Hi Newly diagnosed

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  • 498 subscribers

I’m 55 years of age found a breast lump last year. Had all the tests biopsy etc was given the all clear. Now a year later I have breast cancer which has spread to my spine and lungs. Having a mastectomy a week today, then hormone treatment plus Ribociclib. It’s been one hell of a shock, think my blood pressures gone sky high. 

  • Hi janejane,

    Welcome to the forum. You've done the right thing reaching out to others.

    It's a scary thing and one thing we all have in common I think is fear, intense anxiety and high blood pressure.

    I'm glad you've got a treatment plan.

    Once you start treatment and take back some control the anxiety lessens a bit, doesn't disappear but hopefully lessens enough to reduce your BP.

    I am still on blood pressure medication. I was diagnosed May last year, have had my op, chemo and radiotherapy. Now on Letrozole for 5 years and 6 monthly bone infusions. I think the word cancer raises all our blood pressures.

    I wish you well in your treatment and recovery. Happy to chat online if helpful. Also make use of macmillan nurses and cancer care who are great supports xx

  • Hi has your cancer also spread and what are the bone transfusions. It’s al this waiting around with it being Xmas and new year every thing as taken so long. 
    Not sure if I’ll be able to go back to work if I can’t what are you so pose to live on would I be able to claim PIP


  • Hi Janejane,

    Thankfully no it's not spread. The bone infusions are to strengthen my bones and to prevent the cancer coming back and into my bone.

    If you are unable to work then yes you can claim benefits. Macmillan site can help you with this.

    Give them a call xx