New here , advice or opinions needed:)

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  • 495 subscribers

Hi all :) 

Just looking for other people's thoughts and advice.

I had mastectomy, with reconstruction and implant September last year. Then had lymph nodes removed. 2 out of 9 had cancer. CT scan showed not spread. Joined optima study which then recommended hormone therapy only. 

2 things. I think the tamoxifen is affecting my moods, I feel really low which is not like me. Hard to know if it's that or the situation I'm in ! My hands are really dry and my palms red, is that a normal side effect ? 

I have an appointment this week re radiotherapy but I didn't think I'd be having it. All cancer taken out with mastectomy. Very low grade and slow growing. Would radiotherapy cause more damage, especially since I've had lymph node removal and an implant. Can I refuse radiotherapy? Will I still be part of optima study if I do ?  

Also they want me to have zoladex injections every 3 months to switch off my ovaries. Why ?

Any advice would be appreciated


  • Hi there, good news that you have no spread and are now on to the next stage, where of course you have choices.  I was thinking that as you have a number of questions, you might want to have a chat with the lovely folks here at Macmillan who are a great sounding board and can give you advice. You can call them on 0800 808 0000.   Best wishes 

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