Almost surgery day!

  • 7 replies
  • 496 subscribers

Hi, I've got my mastectomy on Tuesday, weirdly I'm actually looking forward to it, while also scared!

I just want it done now.  Been told to take in overnight bag, but hopefully I'll be home later that day. 

I guess I'll get my follow up treatment confirmed after the surgery.  I'm better when I know what I'm dealing with.

How long did people not drive for after a mastectomy?

  • Good Evening Newcastle 25

    All the very best for Tuesdays Mastectomy, I understand what you mean by weirdly looking forward to it but at the same time scared, Of course you now need it to be out of the way. I pray all goes well with the surgery and follow up treatment, Yes it’s always better when you know exactly what you are dealing with.

    Regarding the driving, I do believe it’s about 3 weeks after surgery.

    Good Evening

  • Awww good luck for Tuesday! I was exactly the same as you with the feelings! I had mine on the 19th December I stayed over night as was on the afternoon list but was let home around 11am Next day. They removed my drain before I left. Im Thinking about having a small drive tomoz! 

  • Thanks x 

    Sounds like pretty quick recovery for you, which is fantastic 

  • Yes so far so good was expecting it to be way worse Tbf I’ve taken all the dressing outside butterfly stitch things off now and it’s already healing really good. The first few days the armpit was horrendous to touch but it’s eased loads now and can’t say I’ve had any pain at all from the actual scar it’s weird. Have they said if you are keeping drains in? I was anxious when they said mine would be coming out next day as I hear a lot of people on here keep the drains for weeks? That was probably the most painful thing having that removed but was over than having it hanging if you know what I mean x

    • Thanks for sharing that x I have been told I'm on the morning list sp should go home that afternoon.  As for the drain, been told I'd come home with it, keeping it for a few days, depending on how I get on x
  • Thank you. I've got my loose tops and extra paracetamol at the ready!

  • Good luck with your surgery. I wasn't allowed drive for 6 weeks, but I don't know if that was due to my axillary clearance or other history. To be fair, it was nearer 8 weeks before I felt I was up to it.