Her2 Positive grade 3 stage 3.

  • 2 replies
  • 499 subscribers
  • Breast cancer Her2 positive grade 3 stage 3 
  • Hello Yorke, 

    Would like to say hello to you and so sorry you’ve been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Cry it’s so tough! 
    This is a great forum for advice and support. 
    Are you just starting your journey? 

    I was diagnosed in July 23 with Her2 positive BC stage 1 grade 3 - ER - PR negative  i have just finished all my treatments.  In the beginning it seems such a long way off but it’s surprising how quickly things go. If you need any advice or support don’t hesitate to reach out. 

  • I was diagnosed in January 2022. I have been cancer free since August 2022.