Stressed and anxious

  • 5 replies
  • 497 subscribers

I've just had phone call from hospital with appointment to get biopsy results and to find out what happens next. Totally knocked me for six again. I'd almost managed to put this to the back of my mind over Christmas but now very real again. I'd dreamed that they'd phone to say it's all been a big mistake and I'm fine but obviously that didn't happen. Appointment is in 2 weeks' time so in limbo for another while which is awful. I'd love to stick my head in the sand and for it all to go away but again know that's not helpful so really just need to know what's going on. I'm usually very positive at New Year, excited about having another 12 months to make new memories, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, but will be so hard tonight to stay positive. 

  • Hi HeatherLassie

    Welcome to the forum I'm Daisy53 one of the Community Champions on this forum.  I'm sorry to hear that you are waiting on biopsy results.  The waiting to get results and to find out what comes next is one of the hardest part of being diagnosed with cancer.  However once you know what you are facing things should start to get better.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your results and with whatever comes next for you.

    Best wishes


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  • I know it’s tough. The shock of the call, the fear of the diagnosis followed by the unknown eg what treatment and when. It’s hard to remain positive but, as others will tell you, once you have your treatment plan you know what you’re dealing with and what you have to come to terms with. 

    I worried about so many things. As well as the cancer itself, I worried about having to cancel holidays, not being able to get travel insurance in future, who to tell and what to to say, changes to my appearance, side effects etc. 

    We don’t all feel the same way - some of us are physically or mentally weaker or stronger but please don’t feel guilty about the way you feel 

    It may not be as bad as you think. 2026 might be the year you begin AND end your treatment. Meanwhile, 
    if you feel like crying, go ahead. If you want to stay in bed, do that. If you want to comfort eat, why not? Go for long walks  do what feels right for you  

    Good luck

  • Hi Daisy 53

    Thank you for your encouraging words. My mind keeps racing to the absolute worst case scenario. I've just sobbed to my partner for about half an hour, trying to explain how I'm feeling. He's being brilliant and is trying to remind me that it'll hopefully not be as bad as I'm imagining, but it's so hard. 

  • The waiting is hard and everything seems to be 2 weeks. I waited 2 weeks for biopsy results then 2 weeks for ct scan and now I’m waiting 2 weeks for the results. It makes me angry that we have to wait so long, it seems unfair. But in the background there’s meetings taking place, scans being reviewed. It feels like torture waiting and my mind has been in some bad places. But what I’m trying to tell myself is to only focus on what I know now. Not the what ifs. Easier said than done I know. It’s good to let it all out. Once you know what you’re facing then apparently it gets easier. Take care x

  • Hi HeatherLassie

    I’m so sorry you are in this position, it’s truly awful. The waiting and testing up until surgery for me were the worst part by a mile. I guarantee you will feel better when you have your treatment plan and know what is happening and when. 

    It’s so difficult not to think the worst, but your partner is right, it may not be as bad as you are imagining. Depending on results there are many people who are through treatment and recovered quite quickly. For others it may take longer with a bumpier journey, but I read so often people saying treatments haven’t been as bad as they feared.

    Keep sobbing and explaining all you want or need to. Get it all out any way you can. Best of luck with everything. x