Waiting for biopsy results

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I've just had recall appointment following routine mammogram where they did further mammogram, ultrasound and took biopsies. They've told me there's a 2.5cm area in my right breast which they're 99% sure is cancerous. Now waiting for another appointment to get biopsy results and discuss surgery and treatment plan. This has totally knocked me for six as had no symptoms and couldn't feel anything when checking my breasts. Struggling to get my head around what's happening and what's ahead of me. 

  • Hi Heather lassie,

    It's a shock when you first learn you have cancer. The stress and anxiety are the worst.

    Once you've had time to process it and know what type you're dealing with, you can then have a treatment plan suited to destroying it. There are amazing treatments out there now.

    I was devastated in May to learn I had breast cancer. 

    I have had my operation, chemo and radiotherapy. Now on daily Letrozole and 6 monthly bone infusions. Building my strength and looking forward to Christmas Christmas tree.

    Please be kind to yourself, use this site, macmillan nurses and cancer care for support also.

    I wish you well in your treatment and recovery plan xx

  • Hi HeatherLassie

    Sorry you have to be here but welcome. It’s such a shock when it happens to you, cancer is something we always think will happen to someone else. Like you I didn’t really have a clue. I went for a lump I found under my armpit which I wasn’t hugely worried about but wanted to get checked to be sure. As I had already suspected that turned out to be nothing but was told I had a lump in my other breast which I had had no idea about. I was blindsided when that was confirmed as cancer and immediately thought the worst. However, my experience has not been anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. You will hear repeatedly that the waiting stages are the worst and this is absolutely true. Once you have your results your team will be able to give you a treatment plan and I’m sure you will feel better when you know what is happening and when.

    Best of luck with everything. x

  • Thank you. The waiting is horrible and not knowing what I'm dealing with. I'm hoping, as you say, that once I have an idea of what the plan is, I can focus on beating this and getting well. I've no idea of how long treatment will be even. I had plans for 2025 which will obviously now have to be cancelled and that makes me sad and angry too. So many emotions whizzing round in my head. 

  • Hi Missy Molly,

    Thank you. It has come as a total shock. It's like everything isn't real anymore (if that makes any sense?). 

    I'm glad to hear you've had your operation, chemo and radiotherapy. Must admit, I'm not looking forward to any of that but know it needs done. To be honest, I just want them to cut the cancer out as I don't want it in my body. Disappointed

  • Hi Heatherlassie,

    Everything your are going to makes sense to all of us who have cancer. The fear of the unknown and not bring in control is not a nice feeling.

    I was the same I wanted it cut out me as quickly as possible I was scared it would spread. The nurse advised me it doesn't spread as fast as we think it does.

    I felt a bit of relief when my treatments started. Like I was taking back some of the control and fighting it.

    Good luck with your treatment plan and recovery. Wishing you well xx

  • Hi there, sorry to hear you're on this journey that none of us want to be on. I hope you get your treatment plan soon, as that helps to know and to plan. I'd just say, don't write off 2025 just yet. It really depends on whether you need chemo, surgery, radiotherapy or all 3, but I managed to work throughout all my treatment and travel a bit, so it wasn't as disruptive as I had first thought.   Best wishes 

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  • Hi Irish Girl 16,

    Thank you. That's reassuring to hear how you've coped. I always jump to worst case scenario so anything better than that is a bonus. I don't feel able to work just now as my head is a mess but maybe once I know what's actually happening and have a treatment plan, I'll feel differently. In total limbo just now but determined to put my worries to one side over Christmas so I can enjoy spending time with my family. 

  • Im In the same situation, got diagnosed last week and now waiting for ct scan then further results. The waiting is the hard part, they told me at the mammogram it was cancer but had to wait 2 weeks for biopsy results. Now it’s another 2/3 weeks for ct scan and results. It’s really hard waiting all of this time. Hopefully ct will be clear and I can then have op on 24 jan. Hope you’re ok. I’m going to try and enjoy Xmas but it’ll be hard x

  • Hi Tulip 22

    I'm so sorry to hear you're on the same journey. The waiting is horrible. I manage to put it to the back of my mind for a while but then it's there again. Like a horrible nightmare but sadly it's real. Trying to stay positive. Can I ask what the CT scan is for? 

  • The ct is to check my whole body to ensure it’s clear