Drug sideeffecfs

  • 10 replies
  • 501 subscribers

Hi everyone, I'm new to the group, thanks for accepting me.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2024, a week after my mum passed away suddenly. Its been a very difficult 6mths but I'm now post mastectomy. I was meant to be having chemo but when they put the first drug in i went into anaphylaxic shock so wasnt able to have it. I'm now trying to navigate all the terrible side effects from Letrozole. I'm currently having a 6wk break from it to see if the sode effecrs  subside, especially the bone, joint and muscle pain. The doctor thinks I may have developed arthritis too so checking if it's the drug or arthritis. Does anyone else suffer these side effects on Letrozole? Just wondering what you do to help with the pain? I'm on 30mg codeine, heat wraps and ibuprofen gel. Welcome any other suggestions. Thanks so much x

  • Hi Jaxsterg,

    I am on Letrozole, I am quite fortunate I don't suffer to much.

    I dd feel nauseous and have heart burn. But omeprazole tablets and eating before taking has helped.

    I am stiff in the morning but walk it out. Effervescent paracetamol has helped with joint pain.

    I hope after your respite from Letrozole they find you an alternative. I also read somewhere that depending on the brand can also have negative effects.

    The brand my pharmacy supplies is accord. Xx

  • Hi so sorry for your situation I have had breast cancer twice letrozole is hard  work but stick with it easily enough to say cause out of it at the moment sorry about your mum ever need to ask anything or a good old chat  please email me anytime  Lisa

  • Hi there. Thank you so much. My beand is femara so maybe trying a different brand might help. Good luck with your journey xx

  • Thank you so much Lisa. I appreciate your comments. Goof luck with your journey honey xx

  • Hi there Missmolly, Yes I think I'm going to ask about that. Good idea and good luck on your journey xxx

  • Hi there and yes I'm on letrozole since feb this year.

    Very achy and stiff especially in fingers, arms and shoulders.

    I told my consultant and he said he wanted me to persevere as putting me on another type might be even worse!

    So hobbling about like a ninety year old

  • Aww I know thr feeling. I feel old before my time. I'm currently having tests for arthritis so going back to consultant next week after results come through to start on a different tablet. X

  • I hope all goes well for you.

    i used to be so fit and active and struggle getting out of the chair now! 

  • Good luck jax you will get there x 

  • I'm exactly the same. I'm in so much pain with it. I'm asking to try another tablet instead. X