Hi, another terrified newbie!

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  • 500 subscribers

Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread to my lymph node in my armpit and showing further changes further up to my neck. The plan initially was that I would have the lumps removed and then radiotherapy. Unfortunately I met with my surgeon yesterday and they are concerned about the lymph node in my armpit.  Apparently the cancer has wrapped round the blood vessels and surgery has been put on hold. The surgeon is concerned she wouldn’t be able to remove it all. The plan now is to start chemo and I am waiting for an appointment to meet the oncologist.  I am so scared, absolutely terrified of chemo. I just can’t stop crying. I’m sure the nurse said I could be on chemo from six months to a year - that seems so long. I’m so so scared. Has anybody else had this. 

thank you.

  • Hi puglover56,

    Sorry to hear you Ave breast cancer and scared from the chemo.

    I also have breast cancer that required chemo. It's a scary journey but it's amazing the treatments available and successful these days.

    I am at the other side of treatment had my op chemo radiotherapy and an now on preventative medication daily to try to avoid a recurrence.

    The waiting for a treatment plan is the worst. Once you see the oncologist and get your plan of care you can take back some of the control. Chemo was not pleasant but doable. Some people carry on working and have little side effects depending on chemo regime.

    Try to be kind to yourself, have little treats just now whilst waiting. Distract your thoughts by doing things you like and spend time with family and friends. The macmillan nurses and cancer care are a great support also.

    I wish you well on your recovery. Happy to chat or answer questions if I can. Keep us updated on uour journey and make use if this forum to express your thoughts and get advice and encouragement from others further along their recovery journey xx

  • Hi, I had a large lump, so they did chemo before surgery to reduce the lump, and this worked really well. My chemo lasted around 5 months, and whilst not pleasant, it was do-able and I managed to work (albeit from home) throughout.  I blogged throughout my treatment,  yet this one about chemo might be helpful for you. Chemo blog link

    Macmillan has lots of great resources to help you prepare, here's one about chemo that might be useful. Chemo Info Link

    And finally, the lovely folks at Macmillan are always happy to chat on 0800 808 0000.

    best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you missymolly, just waiting now to meet with the oncologist and get on with the chemo xx

  • Thank you - I will definitely have a read of your blog xx