Hello! Vagirux hrt issues

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  • 496 subscribers

Hi all, I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in May  2020 which had spread to one of my lymph nodes. Due to lockdown they were adverse to doing chemo unless absolutely necessary so my cancer was sent to California for an oncoscore as part of the Taylor X trial. I had a lumpectomy and all of my lymph nodes removed. I then had three weeks of daily radiotherapy. My onco dx score was 16 which indicates a low to medium chance of recurrence so it was decided not to proceed with chemo due to the risks under Covid. Unfortunately as there was no physio or advise provided during Covid I developed a frozen shoulder after my lymph nodes removal and needed a further operation. I have been put on tamoxifen for now which is supposed to change to another drug once I go through menopause (I’m 53 and still waiting!) and am supposed to take these for ten years but am really struggling. Last year was the hot flushes, dr tried to prescribe me Prozac but after checking myself these affect the tamoxifen. Flushes have now mostly passed or are a lot milder when they do happen but since July I have been aching all over, in particular my legs. I walk my dogs for 2 hours a day but have been struggling. My joints really ache and the exhaustion can be so difficult to  cope with. I am going to talk to my cancer nurse about coming off the meds. Before doing this I am trying Vagirux to at least see if I can get some type of sex life back. Has anyone else tried taking this? I’ve only had two doses but spent so much time on the toilet with cistitis symptoms, I was wondering if this passed as the oestrogen builds up or if I ought to speak to the doctor 

  • Hi Cazh24  welcome to the forum. The boney pain you describe is a classic from taking aromatase Inhibitors of which Tamoxifen is one of many. Bone issues like pain and stiffness  are a known side effect and one which lots of women suffer from.

    I know where you are coming from in trying to get something to reignite the sex life but anything with Oestrogen in  it is a NO NO for you having had Breast Cancer and possible a Breast Cancer that is fed by Oestrogen as many are.

    If it was me I would use anything until I had spoken to the Doctor who may need to contact the Breast Team to discuss this with them.


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  • Hi Gail, many thanks for your message.  Vaginal oestrogen is now considered safe for people on tamoxifen as the oestrogen stays local and doesn't spread around to other parts of the body. I have spoke to my doctor today about the affects of Vagirux and he's told me to come off it and we'll try something else but give my body a couple of weeks break.