Hi, I’m new here (lucky me )

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I have ER- HER2+ BC and will start treatment in a couple of weeks. EC 3 weekly for 4 cycles followed by Paclitaxel weekly for 12 weeks along with Phesgo. All rather daunting but ready to get started and beat this beast. Anyone here on the same regime? 

  • Hi 0708,

    I am her2neg/er/pr positive. I have just finished 4 cycles of EC 3 weekly. It's doable. The fatigue is real just listen to your body and rest when needed. There are lots odmf medication to combat any side effects. Keep a journal to discuss at your appointments.

    I'm now moving to radiotherapy and Letrozole with bone infusions 6 monthly.

    Lots if different treatment options available.

    Be kind to yourself and seek supports from macmillan site and cancer care.

    You will also learn a lot on this site as everyone at different stages of recovery with different cancer types.

    Good luck with your treatments let us know how you get on xxx