New here, need to make a decision

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Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with HER2 breast cancer. It's a 28mm tumour in a small breast so a lumpectomy will result in quite a noticeable difference in size. The other option is a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I'm terrified of waking up looking horrific, the thought of a mastectomy terrifies me as it feels so final. Im hoping to make a decision by the end of the week but I'm struggling. I don't have a partner and a recent break up left me with no confidence, but I know the main thing is to get the cancer out of me Confused

  • Thank you  , I appreciate it's difficult talking about it. If I opt for mastectomy then it will be an implant instantly, they said it's unlikely they would save the nipple so they spoke about tattooing further down the line. I've never been someone who wears revealing clothing so my main wish is to look 'normal' in my clothes, I don't have a partner so part of me is looking ahead and thinking I'll never find anyone now because the thought of someone seeing me unclothed doesn't sound like something I'll be comfortable with. So when you said you burst into tears, was this after having reconstruction? I think even if I have a lumpectomy I'm going to look pretty bad after due to the size of the lump compared to the amount of breast tissue but at least it would be my body still. But then a mastectomy should mean no cancer and no radiotherapy.....

  • Hi Janey,

    I opted for a tissue implant, as it grows and shrinks with you, rather than the silicone. But tissue meant they took it from another part of my body (in my case tummy). Hence I also have a scar from hip to hip. It was 2days after my op that i burst into tears. I had a catheter and wasnt allowed to get out of bed on my own b4 then cos of extent of surgery (tummy muscles included). So alot of swelling then too. It DID get better though. I look fine with clothes on, but like u it's the being seen naked. The weird thing is I'm not embarrassed to show that boob to anyone as it doesn't feel like its my boob (daft i know). Whereas i wouldnt show anyone my original boob (which was also operated on and has scarring too. Plus the new boob is numb. My boob's aren't large, so I get where you're coming from.

  • Hi Janey,  I’m sorry you find yourself in the club nobody wants to join.  I had four tumours  that added up to 5cms and sentinel node removed.  Following surgery my margins weren’t clear so needed further surgery.  I was offered a mastectomy or another lumpectomy.  I asked if the risk of the cancer returning was better if I had a mastectomy.  I was told only risk was I may need a third surgery.  I was willing to take the risk and thankfully I didn’t need further surgery.  I have two scars at the edge of the areola and a small dimple.  The dr told me I would have quite a bit missing from the breast but to be honest you hardly notice it.  I can have reconstruction done but to be honest the difference is so minimal I wouldn’t put myself through it.  Do what is right for you as it is a very emotional time and you need to be content with your choice.  I just wanted to to know and you can check with your surgeon but a mastectomy does not lower the risk of a return of cancer if that is your way of thinking.  Xx

  • Hi JaneyD17

    My situation was very similar to My Grace is Sufficient.  I was initially diagnosed with DCIS  and was told I would be having a 5cm cube of tissue removed if I chose to have a lumpectomy. I don't have large breasts and was concerned with my appearance afterwards but the surgeon was fantastic and even though I had to have a second operation to get clear margins the results were really good. Radiotherapy hasn't shrunk the  breast and the size is only slightly different to my untreated breast, larger rather than smaller !  I have a scar across the breast towards my side and  faint scars around the areola. I was told that a lumpectomy along with radiation gave as good a result as having a mastectomy.

    Wishing you all the best  D.D

  • Hi  Thanks for replying. So did you have reconstruction? And I'm assuming they saved your nipple? My lump is very close to mine so the surgeon thinks it's likely I will lose it x

  • Hey 

    I too have small breasts. Had a 47mm lump removed via lumpectomy. My margins were too close. I would have been left with very deformed breast. So I ended up having a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. I lost my nipple. I’m really happy I had a mastectomy. Was the right decision for me as they found sone dcis in the rest of the breast. It obviously looks different from my real breast but I wore a bikini on holiday, nobody could tell. I will have a nipple tattoo at some point in the future. All the best with your decision x

  • I was amazed at the skill of the surgeon. When I asked how she managed to make the affected breast look like the other one  I was told that's what we're trained for. It wasn't classed as a reconstruction, I think it was more of a redistribution of fat and tissue from around the  breast. I am not a large person so I was surprised that it wasn't obvious where it had come from. Yes I did keep my nipple. 

  • I'm small & following lumpectomy I do have noticeable dent on side when I raise my arm but things look ok from the front & I feel that I can still go braless without it being noticeable. I  My tumour was 25mm. Also, lipofilling might be possible 6 mths after your surgery if you're not happy with outcome (for unrelated medical reasons I couldn't have that). Hope this eases your mind, at least a bit.

  • Hi, yes had radiotherapy after initial surgery, then started appts. at the reconstruction clinic. 

    The procedure I had was lipofilling. They took fat from my tummy via liposuction and injected this into the breast.

    Info on the procedure is on this site or nhs website, but no cuts, just 4 fat extraction sites which left no mark. Not enough fat taken to have any impact on tummy shape.

    I suspect that doing a breast lift on the other breast will do a lot to even out symmetry.  But the fat transfer (lipofilling) process is contributing to a more natural looking breast.

    I did find it reassuring that my hospital were very happy to support the process of reconstruction because it is very important.

  • Hello

    i have just had a mastectomy yesterday I am now home resting . It was fine . I have small breasts and when lying down both now look the same . I made the decision to have full mastectomy as it got rid of everything. It’s a hard decision but whatever you decide it so much better when it’s done . It really wasn’t awful at all. Sending love