Triple negative breast cancer

  • 12 replies
  • 499 subscribers

Hi, I’ve just been diagnosed. I’m having a wide incision in two weeks then chemo , followed by radiation. I’m worried as I’ve read some have chemo first. Does mine sound right having it after? 
thanks . 

  • It sounds absolutely right. I had mine after my surgery too. This is done to kill any cancer cells that might have remained in your body after your surgery. Chemo is done prior to surgery when the affected area/lump is quite large and it is done in an attempt to shrink the cancerous lump which will help with achieving clear margins during the surgery. So nothing to worry about! The very best of luck with your surgery and treatment!

    Lana xx

  • Thanks so much for replying, I’ve done the wrong thing by googling which has turned me into a complete wreck. I’m just worried it’s growing why I’m waiting for the op . Xx

  • Don't worry about that! Cancer cannot spread that fast, it takes much longer! A year ago I was the same wreck as you, but, based on my personal experience, things will gradually improve with time and you most certainly will find your new normal. All the very best! xx

  • Hi Copey,

    I had my op first and now having chemo to be followed with radiotherapy therapy.

    Thatz quite normal process for treatment depending on type of cancer grade and size.

    I hope all goes well for you. And please stay away from Dr Google its not latest research and usually worst case scenarios which are outdated.

    Be kind to yourself and others on this forum will share their experiences also xx

  •  Hi Copey

    i had lumpectomy first for grade 3 TNBC April 23 they found DCIs on the margin , but said to start chemo then have another op 6 months later which was all clear .I then had radiotherapy and a clear mammogram in March 24 . It’s a scary journey but it’s doable you will be ok sending you lots of love and keep positive x 

  • Thank you so much , I think I’m still in shock and can only see the negatives . I’m just so terrified of it all. Especially as my mum had ovarian cancer, I just can’t stop crying and worrying I will get that as well. Thanks for your kind words. X

  • Thank you so much, I’m so pleased for you getting that clear mammogram. Xx

  • Oh I know love , I really thought I was going to be dead within months I had read so many negative things around TNBC. The chemo is not nice but it’s doable and time goes so quick . I think the worse time is the waiting for results !! Surgery when the lump is out and you know the plan you will be ok I promise . I waited 4 weeks for surgery !!and 7 weeks for the chemo to start once I knew the plan I was like right let’s do this !!! X

  • I get that worry my daughter also died of breast cancer when she was 30 thst was 12 years ago. I have to remind myself my journey is nit the same and treatments and research have advanced greatly.

    The anxiety and worry are horrendous. I've never known anxiety like it and the fear is real. We all experience it. I couldn't even verbalise the word cancer. Give yourself time to process it all. Use the macmillan site and cancer care supports they are great help.

    Once you have a treatment plan in place you will feel more in control. Please be kind to yourself, take one step at a time xx

  • Thank you, this has been so helpful. I’m glad I joined. Xx