New here feeling overwhelmed at times

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Hi everyone 

I have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and had a lumpectomy on the 1st July so currently recovering from that 

waiting for my results re margins and also lymph nodes biopsy done during surgery but concerned as told might need second op

if not then next steps are chemo then radiotherapy 

Hoping this site will help me when I get overwhelmed about things I am currently panicking about chemo but have tried not to Google as I feel it would scare me more but it’s hard as I am a bit of a control freak and I also have massive phobia of hospitals and doctors 


  • Hey x

    I wish you luck with your surgery xx

    i don’t really understand why some have chemo first and others the surgery ?  
    ive been told I will need chemo and radiotherapy too 

  • Hi Kasia1718,

    I joined yesterday as well I was diagnosed on the 16th July after having 2nd Mammogram and a biopsy,I have today had the 2 clips put on the lumps and a mammogram, I was waiting for this to be done before I could start Chemo, my dose is 2 medications once every 3 weeks intravenously, seems strange to say but I’m looking forward to starting just to get it going, and though I am scared for what will happen I am also positive in the result. Good luck to you and hope you start your treatment soon. 
          Grannybear Heart️

  • Hi not entirely sure which breast cancer I have, think it’s the aggressive hormone one with Eostrogen and HER2 feeding it.

    Felt very scared last week had my first chemotherapy of which I need a total of 8 cycles, then surgery and radiology eek.  Then it’s 5 years of hormone tablets.

    Feel very isolated as although I still have my mum and brother who has a daughter.  I do not have a partner or children, but I have my little dog.

  • Hi Bella21,

    You've done the right thing reaching out to others on the forum here. It's a scary journey for everyone. We're all in it together.

    Glad you treatment plan has commenced. 

    Your family will be a good support and your wee dog will help you to get through the not so good days.

    The macmillan nurses and the cancer care are brilliant supports also.

    Happy to chat on here. Wishing you well in your recovery journey. I'm on my 2nd chemo of my cycle it's doable with medications to help with any side effects of the chemo.

    Keep fighting xx

  • Thanks was relieved to get my treatment on the go.  Just done my scary tummy injection don’t know why I am getting so anxious about it!  Done the third one as it’s one a day.  You don’t feel a thingJoy think it’s just the thought of having to stick myself!Joy

    The one thing I did not expect with all this was it affecting my mental health.

    i found an app called smiling minds which is free and it is really great when you are having what I call ‘the terrors’ and takes you out of fight or flight mode.

    Think I had all my hospital rounds as had a serious motorcycle accident when I was 17 and ended up in intensive care.  So appointments of any sort send me back there and as I am retired disabled with fibromyalgia too - kinda thought I had had my lot.  Still at least there is treatment now for us all xx

  • Hi on the cancer org website I found stuff to help with anxiety etc and the best thing that is helping with this sort of stuff for me is an app called Smiling Minds.  It’s free and it has short mediGrinningtions to do and brings you out of fight or flight mode and makes you feel more in control Grinning

  • I’m in remission with TNBC - diagnosed 2021,  had chemo, double mastectomy with temp implants, removal of my ovaries and fallopians, radiotherapy and finally reconstruction (Diep)   
    honestly, it wasn’t so bad in the end (even the chemo) and there’s lots of support. Yes I went through the grief and anger and still worry about it returning but I’m still here

     just take it one step at a time and don’t be afraid to talk, cry and generally express your emotions as it all helps with the healing. It gave me a new insight into hospitals and how caring they can be so try not to be afraid - if you are having a bad day, tell the nurses, they are lovely. 
    good luck with your treatment and stay strong x

    ps I’m a control freak too but this experience has taught me to loosen the reins

  • Hi Bella21,

    I'm glad you are managing the treatment and your injections. 

    I will have a look at at the app.

    Thank you and good luck xx

  • Hi thanks for the message on here, scary day for me took very poorly last night with what appeared to be food poisoning and very sick all night.  But thankfully it has subsided- phew as Rapid Response Team said if I did not stop being sick by the morning then they would call me into hospital.

    sat here getting my hydration levels back up xx

  • Hi Bella21,

    I'm the same been really poorly all day with dreadful stomach cramps excruciating pain. I think it's, reaction to the injections. They are brutal. Hospital will speak with consultant to change them. Don't think I can tolerate the 7 days worth. 

    Thankfully seems to have eases a bit tonight. I hope it's past now. Dreading next dose tomorrow.

    I hope you feel better also tonight. Xxx