New here feeling overwhelmed at times

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Hi everyone 

I have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and had a lumpectomy on the 1st July so currently recovering from that 

waiting for my results re margins and also lymph nodes biopsy done during surgery but concerned as told might need second op

if not then next steps are chemo then radiotherapy 

Hoping this site will help me when I get overwhelmed about things I am currently panicking about chemo but have tried not to Google as I feel it would scare me more but it’s hard as I am a bit of a control freak and I also have massive phobia of hospitals and doctors 


  • Hi Marmarb,

    Welcome to the forum, you are not alone and have done the best thing reaching out for support and knowledge.

    Your right stay away from Google. It goes to worst case scenarios and it's not always up to date.

    I have her2-er+ I had my lumpectomy and sentinels removed in June. As I'm grade 3 I am having chemotherapy before my radiotherapy and hormone suppressants.

    I had my first cycle 3 weeks ago. It is doable and not as bad as you think. I am having EC then injections from day 3 to day 10. My worst symptoms were gastric upset but manageable no spasms or pain. I did have heartburn but the have doubled my omeprazole. I had no nausea or sickness. The injections if you have them give you bone pain the last couple of days but I found taking effervescent paracetamol helped really well. I now have stronger pain killers to try if I need them at this time. The staff are brilliant and put you at ease. For every symptom you experience they have a medication to combat it. My aim this cycle is too be symptom free. The fatigue is evident but if you take your time I still do things around the house go out when I feel up to it.

    It's scary but it's doable. I kept my hair during first cycle but it was falling out and very thin so my daughter cut and shaved it. I thought it would be a big deal but it was okay and it will grow back post treatment, who knows maybe better condition.

    Sorry for the long winded read but I wanted to try to reassure you. I was like you before I had mine. But that 2 done 2 to go fingers crossed all going well.

    Oh I also have a picc line in my arm so no needles or pain everything goes through that and bloods taken from there also. You can go to your treatment centre to have it done or the district nurse will come do it. Igo to the centre as it gets me out. 

    If I've missed anything please ask I would like to help.

    Also seek support from the macmillan nurses and cancer care. Good luck with your recovery xx

  • Hi Marmab

    Sorry to hear you find yourself with breast cancer.I too have triple negative breast cancer.Stage 1 grade 2.I agree with miss molly to stay away from google.I made that mistake when first diagnosed, only to be told by my oncologist most of the stats research etc is at least 20 years out of date.There are so many more treatments etc now.Im just finishing cycle 4 of my chemotherapy ,as miss molly has said already I have found it doable.Bit of stomach upset and nausea but no sickness.The team will prescribe medication as you go along dependent on your side effects.Remember this has been a big shock for you so will take time.If I think of how I felt in March when diagnosed to now I'm a different person.You gain knowledge and knowledge is power.I wish you all the best with your treatment and remember use this forum when you need to offload xx

  • I understand how you feel, I have the same cancer as you but I have to start chemo first, it starts on the 15th August for me, yes I’m dreading it but the positive side is the cancer may reduce, I’m having it once every 3 weeks with antibiotics for the week off, been told it will be bad but it has to be done, then surgery so hopefully I will be ok, I’m sure you feel upset, and in a difficult situation I can understand that, 1 minute you’re ok then the next you’re thinking about what will happen, all I can say is stay positive, everyone says that but nobody knows how you feel except you. Thinking of you

  • Hi MammarB

    Welcome to the forum and I’ sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. 

    Wishing you the best of luck with your results and treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi mammarB, I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago, I’m starting chemo first and then surgery after 4 months. I’m really scared as you are. I have joined the group this afternoon as I felt really overwhelmed and lonely. The best of luck with your results and recovery. 

  • Hi Kasia

    its a scary time I sometimes feel ok as I get distr With work but then it just keeps popping back into me head. 
    good luck with your chemo we may end up having this at similar times x 

  • Hi MammarB,

    Thank you. I don’t really have family or friends around me that could support me. That’s sometimes too overwhelming for me. I will be doing all of that on my own. That’s why I joined the group, I felt like today was too much and I needed some support. 

  • Please just message me if you want to x I might not have the answers but we can figure it out together ? 

  • That’s very nice of you, thank you Relaxed️ 

  • Hi, I’ve got TNBC but I had 8 cycles of chemo first and having surgery (lumpectomy) this coming week. I’ll be having radiotherapy after that. Chemo wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but fingers crossed you won’t need it. If I can help ask away.