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Just joined today. Triple negative breast cancer diagnosis, only on left side & not in lymph nodes but quite a large lump.  First chemo tomorrow. Terrified & on a real roller coaster of emotions as i had to stop HRT 2 weeks ago as well. Not sure who’s worse off, me or the husband coping with a no HRT for 2 weeks wife!

  • Hi Elvie. 

    Glad you've got your meds at the ready. Good luck Thumbsup

    Everyone different you might not lose your hair. I will alternate between wig when out and hat when in house. Might embrace my baldness when I get used to it. Not sure. Last night I slept with my hat on. My partner is great but I was still too self conscious of him waking in the night next to me bald. Stupid I know as he wouldn't have minded it's me xx

  • You know your partner loves you as a person, not what you look like. But I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit concerned as well about my husband’s reaction.

    It’s also strange becoming aware of how much I value my hair when I’ve never really thought about it until the prospect of losing it came up.

    It very much helps hearing from other people who have had or are having the same thoughts. 


  • Hi Elvie,

    I know my hair wasn't the best anyway it was quite fine. My partner was there when my daughter shaved it and he was sweet about it.

    It my own insecurities. I actually took a selfy to see what it was like. I dare say I will get used to it.

    It will grow back it's only hair at the end of the day. I do like my wig it's better than my own hair, same style and colour but more of it. It sits better xx