Supporting my wife after being diagnosed with breast cancer

  • 11 replies
  • 482 subscribers

Hi, I’m new to the forum and advised to join this forum for support, keen to hear peoples experiences.

It was confirmed last week that my wife has breast cancer, the tumour is in her left breast, it’s a grade 3 and triple negative.

after a mammogram today we were told it’s affected her Lymph Nodes which further testing is now being done.

tomorrow we go for an MRI, do you get any insight the same day?

is anybody able to give me there experience if they have walked the road we are about to take? 

any advice on best ways to support is also very much appreciated. 

  • Hi   

    The reason you weren’t allowed in with your wife for the MRI is because they want to avoid exposing you to it. The staff themselves leave the room and are behind glass whilst it’s going ahead. The same is true for CT scans, PET/CT and for radiotherapy. You probably also won’t be allowed in to the chemo room (it’s patients only at my hospital). But you will definitely be allowed into meetings with the oncologist. Hopefully the MRI result will be available by then.

    Unfortunately my TNBC is metastatic, but it does mean I have a lot of experience of treatments and procedures. 

    I am sorry you are in this situation and wish you both all the best.