post op issues - anyone else? advice please

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  • 499 subscribers

hi I'm new to the forum. really appreciate the sharing of info here - it's been so useful. thank you

I was  recently diagnosed with grade 2 lobular invasive Ca LN clear - a total bolt out of the blue as fit and well and exercise a great deal and all scanning was normal. 

I'm now two weeks post op wide local excision and SNB where they removed 2 nodes - I've been told margins are clear and ln are clear my ki67 is borderline 20% so not sure what this means ?

but I wanted to ask

1. I developed a small seroma - 1/52 post op - is this common even if you do all the exercises from day 1? does this mean you should stop excerciding or exercise through it?

2. from going from no pain for first  week - breast suddenly very tender and things feel lumpy for the last week even painful on walking  - no obvious swelling or redness - is this common? what to do to help?

3. And finally and thing that really makes me feel most uncomfortable and more miserable  - is since the operation - my stomach has swelled and becomes increasingly bigger as the day progresses. I'm small and petite amd was lucky enough pre - op to have flattish stomach (just slightly round) and now since the op -  I look like I'm 3 months pregant in the morning and about 6 months by the end of day...ever day.

has this happened tp anyone else?

Its not constipation, I'm not eating any more than I did post op, I'm exercising less of course but walking everyday 8km- 10k but it's bad enough coping with the diagnosis, the breast tenderness but then suddenly to have a huge stomach that makes me feel uncomfortable and my clothes tight wasn't an after effect I was anticipating? could stopping the HRT cause it to suddenly blosat up

has this happened to anyone? I cant see anything online. 

if so what can I do to reduce it? it's really uncomfortable 

is it forever ? does it go away? hoping someone can help with this. 

thank you 

  • Hi SHI,

    Welcome to the forum.

    I had my op but didn't suffer any of the above. Just wanted to say hi. Hopefully some of the others on the forum will be able to share their experiences with you.  If you donf hear tonight i would make contact with your BCN in the morning and discuss your concerns with them. Hopefully they will be able to give the correct advise and treatments. Wishing you well. Take care xx

  • Hi SH1

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Some of what you are experience post-op is not unusual.  You can develop a seroma even with doing the exercises. Your body can absorb the extra liquid but if your breast starts to feel uncomfortable because of it contact your breast cancer nurse and they can drain it for you. As far as I'm aware you can continue to do the arm exercises but you way want to check that with your breast care nurse.

    Having pain in your breast after surgery isn't unusual and the lumpiness in your breast is more than likely scar tissue.

    I've had no experience of stomach swelling after surgery so I suggest you contact your breast care nurse about it and they should be able to put your mind at rest.

    Wishing you the best of luck with whatever comes next for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you so much Thars really helpful re Seroma abd lumpiness and pain after a week 

    I did speak to BCN today as the stomach as it’s uncomfortable - she put it dish to painkillers but I haven’t really taken much at all in the last week apart from occasional paracetamol or stress - in which case I’m screwed as it’s pretty stressful.. 

    never had my stomach expand in other stressful situations thoigh! 

    But let’s see - thanks again for the advice and this forum it’s so good to know people are there.. Hearts️

  • Hi, I have the same issue but mine is definitely from eating a bit too much salt, processed foods have a lot of it and even if I cook all my meals, I still add a bit on top and I know I shouldn`t :(

    I don`t have any other suggestion, maybe see your GP or go on NHS website to try to find out why you get so bloated?

    All the best and many hugs :) xx

    Had 4 surgeries between 19 March-21 Nov.2024, clear for now, unlucky? Don`t know yet Disappointed

  • Hi,

    It's possible the bloating tummy is fluid related. The first couple of days after chemo I thought I was going to burst with all the fluids they put into me. It felt uncomfortable but subsided a few days later. Another hormonal,  stopping the HRT may be a cause. I take it you have ruled all these out. Just thought might be worth a check.

    I hope your tummy settles soon xx