Triple negative breast cancer/Sepsis

  • 4 replies
  • 481 subscribers


I was diagnosed with the above in April (stage 2) and have had 9 weekly chemo sessions and have now started the next treatment which is every 3 weeks.

The treatment wiped out my immune system and I ended up in hospital being treated for Sepsis. The initial infection that caused the Sepsis wasn't identified.

Now back home and feeling traumatised, scared to go to work or out anywhere in case I get an infectuon. it's knocked my confidence so much.

Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Hi Chickenoodle,

    Sorry to hear what happened to you.That must have been so scary.I know how you are feeling,my PICC got infected which resulted in sepsis too.I like you was petrified when released after two weeks in hospital.However it has been nearly 6 weeks now and I am definitely starting g to relax a bit.Sadly we can catch an infection anywhere no matter how hard we try to keep ourselves safe.My partner is a Deputy Headteacher in a primary school ,so a walking germ carrier.I made my mind up the day I was diagnosed with TNBC I can either live the next q0 months or so of treatment in a bubble and be so miserable, or can be careful as I can and get through this.I wish you all the best on your treatment going forward.Here if you want to chat Lisa xx

  • Hi Lisa

    Thanks so much for replying and I'm sorry to hear of your experience with Sepsis too 

    Someone else said something similar, that we can do our best to stay safe but if we're going to catch something, we're going to catch it. I've only been home a few days so still feeling anxious but I guess with time I'll feel a bit more relaxed about it.

    That's just how I feel, as though I want to be in a bubble, but like you said that would be miserable and just an existance. I needed to hear that, it's made me think differently now Blush

    WIshing you all the best too and same, here if you want to chat

    kim xx

  • Hi Chickenoodle,

    Aw I'm glad,it's such a hard time mentally with side effects,fear of infection,Chemo ,surgery,genetic testing, and that's without actually waiting for the words we all want to hear No evidence of Disease.We never thoughtght we would find ourselves in this position and therefore could never prepare for how we would feel.We have got this and will get through itGrinxx

  • You're right,  it's massive,  overwhelming and a total shock.  the more I talk to people the more I realise there's so much of it and everyone knows someone.

    But, we'll get through it and come out the other side Hugging. Support helps hugely xx