
  • 18 replies
  • 461 subscribers

Hi there, has anyone had to stop taking letrozol due to severe side effects? 

  • Hi the problem is the pharmacy cannot always get the accord brand as they say there is a uk manufacturer shortage The farmarra brand doesnt suit me

    what is the yellow form? and where is this from?

  • I’ll look for it .

    To be fair, the surgeon said that women make him aware of it all the time and he believes them .

    the oncologist agrees and told me to tell the GP to specify Amarox and give me 3 months worth . He said it’s too stressful to be going through it every 28 days .

  • Hi, see previous post just done done, I put link on my pharmacy only gets the accord brand, so there isn't a shortage, I had that excuse when they didn't want t it, they paid for a cheaper brand on offer xx

  • The price difference between the generic brands isn’t huge. . I think it’s just what some pharmacies get sent. I’ll see what Gp can do but not holding my breath ! 

  • Hi Kendal,

    I am into my 3rd day on Letrozole and I have to say fatigue is kicking my butt along with joint aches and pains. Not sure if it is the medication or slow reaction to radiation treatment which ended 28days ago! I guess I should give my body more time to get used to it..Lets see how I feel in a few more days! Tired and tearful...

  • Hi Kendal I was on Letrozole for 6 months with bad side effects. The consultant has now prescribed Anastrozole which I’ve to start after a 4-6 week break. Hopefully it’ll not be as bad. If it is she’ll look at other options or giving me something to combat the side effects.

    Take care
