Anyone else feel like they’re wadding through treacle ????

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  • 466 subscribers


i I was diagnosed with triple positive grade 2 breast cancer on the 8th Feb . I have since been having TCHP chemo I’m on round 5/6 and it’s really affected me , emotionally as well as physically.

Does any one else just well like they’re in a fog going through the motions , I feel so sad and am trying so hard for the children to be normal mum but it’s impossibly hard . It’s so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when there’s so much more treatment to go , as I’ll be having a operation , radiotherapy and then 12 more rounds of chemo. 
im really looking for people like me that get it as I don’t know anyone who’s been through this and it can feel very lonely , because I don’t think you can understand how someone’s feeling unless they’ve been through it.

I know we have to be strong and positive but its so hard .

  • Hi SJH01 welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear about how you are feeling but please be reassured that you are amongst folks on here who definitely "get it". Do you have a Macmillan centre or a Maggies centre near to where you are at all. I ask because you can pop in to them anytime and have a chat with someone there who can listen and just let you have a good cry if feel like it. They also provide lots of other services. When I had my Breast Cancer a friend gave me a tip to take one bit of the treatment at a time and the park it and move on to the next bit. It's a tip to take one bit at a time as letting it all in at once is overwhelming. My favourite saying for people struggling is "its OK to not be ok". Sending some hugs your way for now xxxx


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  • Thank you for replying , I just feel so sad Disappointed all the time and I know it will pass ( but it’s still hard !)

  • Hi SJH01 I totally agree about it being hard. Have you spoken to your gp about how you are feeling. My main reason for asking is that it is not unheard off when all this invades our lives for depression to set in and you can get some help if that is the case? What do u think? Xxx


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  • We have discussed it as they called it chemical depression , but I have one chemo to do so just trying to push through. I also think the nausea tablets have not helped my mood so have reduced those . It’s the feeling of being in stale mate and you have to do this gruelling treatment to help you but it makes you feel so poorly and there’s nothing you can do .

  • Keep that chin up we are here for you and with you every step of the way. Xxx


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  • Hi SJH01

    Welcome to the forum and I sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are struggling at the moment. What you are feeling is perfectly understandable. Having a cancer diagnosis is hard at times.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • I've had 2 operations, chemo and I'm about to have radiotherapy. Feels like a full time job. I've been sad, anxious, depressed and cried my eyes out. If it gets too much, see your GP. A friend who'd been through chemotherapy told me I'd soon forget it once it was finished.  I thought she was nuts, but you do. Take as much practical help as you can. Must be difficult with kids. Talk to the Mcmillan volunteers. Maggie's is good as well if you have one near you.