Starting Abraxane after allergic reaction

  • 5 replies
  • 483 subscribers

Hi all,I had a severe allergic reaction to paxital on April 22nd.It was my first chemo.I was told i would t ha e Paclitaxel again.Im due to start Abraxane on Thursday. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else and how did the Abraxane go.Im a little nervous as you can imagine.

  • Hi Budsbails23

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you had a severe allergic reaction to paxital.  While I haven't had Abraxane I noticed that you haven't had any answers yet so I thought I'd reply to you to move you to the top of the discussion.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Daisy 53,

    Thank youGrinI had my first session today with Abraxane.No reaction ,so happy xx

  • That's great to hear. xx

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi. ...

    I took bad a very bad reaction to paclitaxel last week, 3rd infusion and within seconds all drama broke out.

    I have now been advised by my Oncologist that my chemotherapy has changed from weekly paclitaxel to 3 weekly Abraxane .... Starting tomorrow.

    The side effects that were told to me by the Oncologist has really scared me, and I'm in a terrible state of worry.... Especially since the bad reaction to Paclitaxel.

    Has anyone suffered badly on this ?

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear you had a bad reaction and are having to have treatment.

    I had this too, the minute the first lot went in I starting to feel poorly.

    I was changed onto the 3 week paxitaxel with protein in it and was absolutely fine, no reaction at all.

    I hope this is what happens for you too.

    Sending lots of love Heart️