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Hi been diagnosed with triple negative lobular breast cancer. Having a Pic line put in tomorrow and first chemo on Wednesday. Very nervous and scared

  • Hi Finidi

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative lobular cancer. It’s perfectly understandable that you are nervous and scared about what’s coming. I had a Pic line put in when I was receiving treatment for triple negative nearly for years ago and I had no problems with it. It was a godsend as I have poor veins and my bloods and chemo was done through the line which meant there as no prodding or poking at veins during treatment.

    While I won’t say chemo is easy it is doable. Do take the anti-sickness if you need them as they do help with sickness and if they don’t work for you let your team know and they will prescribe something else for you. Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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