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I was diagnosed with Stage 0 and stage 1 breast cancer in July 2023. 2 malignant masses were removed last October. It’s er+ pr+ her2-. I had 33 rounds of radiation finished in January. 
2 weeks ago I had my first mammogram with ultrasounds. Everything was clear except there was a seroma 4cm x 3cm x 1cm in the cavity where 2 masses were removed. then I had it aspirated, 25 ml of fluid drained. I really hope it doesn’t fill back up with fluid.

  • Hi Cinamingrl

    Welcome to the forum. Like you I had surgery and radiotherapy with no chemo so feel lucky in that respect. I hope you are recovering well. Assume your stage 0 was DCIS. I had high grade DCIS (7.5 cms) and some microinvasions, largest being 3.5mm. Hope you find the forum helpful and supporting when you need it. Xx

  • Hi Beth,

    yes I do feel glad for not needing chemo. I had two masses of the cancerous tissue. I think if I remember they were 1 cm and 4 cm. 
    I am just not healing well in my areola and nipple. Its frustrating to say the least.

    Oncology put me on Exestamane. I got so sick I had to stop. My oncologist gave me a 3% recurrence. So that I do feel blessed for. I’m going to reject hormone therapy at my next appointment.

  • I actually had a mastectomy. I was hoping 11 months on, I’d feel ok but struggle with tightness and some pain still. It is frustrating I agree. I’ve been told to be patient and we all heal at different rates. Why is mine a slow rate? I’m 66 now so that might be a reason. One day hopefully I won’t feel I’m wearing an iron bra. I’m triple negative so hormones not offered. Like you, I’m not sure I’d be able to handle them. The menopause was pretty horrendous for me.  X