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Currently on day 8 of 1st round of EC

3am and wide awake with aches and pains 

1st night this has happened so not been too bad so far,  but wondering if others were ok until this point? 

  • Hi Andi310

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  While I haven't experienced what you have experienced I noticed that you didn't have any replies yet  so I thought I'd reply to you to welcome you to forum.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi,

    Sorry you find yourself here.

    Are you having filgrastim injections? I had AC with these injections and on day 5/6 I would get pulsating pains, which lasted a few days and were worse on moving. This was worse after the first cycle and got much easier on the following cycles.

  • Hi 

    thank you that’s reassuring 

    they have stopped now, lasted about 24/36 hours and like you say everytime I moved I noticed them 

  • Hi Andy, I don`t know what EC is and I feel for you, I`ve had my lumpectomy almost 2 months ago and for the past few days I had very bad burning pain, now it`s just  sore as it was since the surgery.

    I`m going again on Friday as they found a margin to be removed, then I`ll do radiotherapy, hope it won`t be too bad Disappointed

    I hope you`ll feel better soon, take care and hugs :)

  • Hi

    I also suffered with being unable to sleep and very achy after my first round of EC. I took paracetamols for the aching which helped. I spoke to oncology nurse who said the aching was probably due to the injection I had to give for myself my five days after chemo which was to help my immune system but they do something to your bones which was what was causing the pain. Not sure if you're on the Blushinjections as some consultants prescribe them and some don't, but they changed the dosage of these for my second round of chemo and this really helped. My first round of chemo was my worst, make sure you tell the nurses and the pharmacist (mine called me just before each chemo session) how you feel and if they can change the dosage of tablets or injections they'll do that and it'll really help. After my second round of chemo I was much better so hopefully you will be too Blush

  • Hi Miss CG 

    thank you 

    I hope your appointment goes well on Friday 

    the EC is the type of chemo I’m having 

    but thankfully the pain went after about 24 hours but I’ll be expecting it again in the next round but at least I’ll know what to expect next time x

  • Hi

    yes on the injections too but only 1 the day after the chemo but as you say each consultant is different 

    I suspected it might be due to the bones 

    thank you for sharing your experience it’s very helpful x