Start of my journey x

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Hi everyone

So I went to the breast clinic on Thursday as I had a slight swelling in my arm pit. The nurse examined me and said it’s probably just fatty tissue and quite normal but as I was there would do a mammogram to make sure. After two mammograms, an ultrasound and biopsies I was told I have breast cancer but in a different part of my breast. I still can’t process it and feel numb. I’m usually a cry at anything kind of person, but can’t get one tear out?? Luckily I have an amazing family and group of friends. I’m back in clinic on 14th to meet my consultant. Is it normal to be diagnosed without biopsy results ? xx

  • Hi, I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis.  It's great that you've found this community, so early in your journey.

    One thing I'm learning is that there's no particular way we should react to a breast cancer diagnosis. It is usually a shock and we each find our own way to process the news. It's very early days for you and I imagine you're still taking it in.

    As for your diagnosis before biopsy results, I don't know if this is normal. When I had my scan and biopsy, the consultant said the mass 'looked suspicious'. 

    I would say,  don't hold back on asking any questions you have. At the time of appointments, we can be in shock or overwhelmed with all the information and not think to ask for clarification. I was advised by everyone I've spoken to,  to write questions down in a notebook as they come to me, and bring that to my appointments. 

    There's a specialist nurse helpline on here, which I've also found helpful. You may find it so too, ahead of your appointment next week.

    I wish you well with your follow up appointment and beyond. S

  • Hi thank you for your reply and advice, the notebook is a great idea!! So sorry to hear of your diagnosis and wishing you all the best Heartxxxx️

  • I think they know what they are looking for. I just knew from my symptoms too. They it was a suspicious mass before the results came back. I just wanted it out and treated if it was. I felt in shock for ages even after the surgery I couldn't believe it. I just decided to accept everything they suggested at the beginning. X

  • Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, hope your recovering after surgery x

    Thank you for the advice, just trying to take each minute as it comes and trying to come to terms with it. xx

  • Hi  , lovely messages already from the fine folk here, just thought I’d pop in to say that I was told at my initial breast clinic appointment that they were sure it was cancer. My full diagnosis had to wait till the results of the biopsies but it was obviously clear from my mammogram and/ or ultrasound that my lump was cancer. The pathology told them what type. I’m not sure that the images are always so obvious though. I had a ‘suspicious’ lump many years ago which turned out to be a benign fibroadenoma. Had to be excavated though as even the biopsies were inconclusive. 
    Wishing you well and sending love as well as a big virtual hug your way. 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Sorry you find yourself here. They grade images from ultrasound and mammogram according to how much they look like cancer. I was certainly told from mine to expect it to be cancer, and then the biopsy result confirmed the type and grade.

  • I was told it was cancer from the mammogram and ultra sound results. He showed me the image on screen and explained it was pretty big about 4-5 cms. Those initial 2 weeks before results from the biopsy were extremely difficult. Biopsy results came back as high grade DCIS ie pre cancerous and in the milk ducts so that was a relief. Final post surgery biopsy showed some micro invasion of cancer, largest being 3.5 mm so pretty small. So they can get things wrong. I still needed a mastectomy and radiotherapy due to the size of the DCIS and it being high grade. Xx

  • Hi , I wasn’t told at my first appointment but I could pick up a vibe off them so I wasn’t shocked at results it’s just I was worried at what stage it was . But they did keep saying caught early . Anyway I’m now post op (lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy ) . My cancer has gone but I’m now waiting for results to see if I’ll need chemo and radio or just radio . My appt is 29th may . Take all the support you can get you definitely find out who your friends are xx oh and I’ve not had a proper cry yet but I know it will come one day . Stay positive you’ve got this . Sending hugs your way x 

  • Thank you for your kind message. Wow sounds like you’ve had a tough time. Sending much love xx

  • Thank you for your message, you’re right about the waiting it’s definitely the hardest part. Hopefully you’re now on the mend. Much love x