Period has returned

  • 2 replies
  • 455 subscribers

I had 2 tumours diagnosed on my left breast Dec 2020.

I had a lumpectomy. The tumours results showed 1 was ER + PR + . The other was HER2 +.
I had 12 weeks of Paclitaxel, 5 sessions of intense radiotherapy + 1 yr of Herceptin.

I am almost 3 years into taking Anastrazole anti oestrogen tablets.
I turned 50 in June 2020.
Due to having had a coil prior to chemo they didn't know if I was pre or post menopause.

I was unable to take Tamoxifen due to having had a major stroke with full recovery when I was 35 +the risk of clots with Tamoxifen. I started Zoladex a month before I started Anastrazole.

I continued on like this until my Oncologist took me off Zoladex last July 23.
On Thursday past I started staining.

The bleeding got worse yesterday and today even worse.

Basically a period. I've rung my GP as I amconcerned that I'm taking a post anti oestrogen when I must not be.

Has anyone ever come across something like this before?

I'm just worried in case the cancer has returned

My GP is referring me to gynae.

I'm trying not to worry but I'm totally shocked at having a period again.

  • I am on zoladex and exemestane for 5 years. I would have thought that they would continue you on zoladex alongside the anastrozole as long as you need to take the AI. Interesting that they took you off it.

    You are doing the right thing getting checked out. I don't have any experience of what you are going through, but I was pre-menopausal when I was diagnosed and I went on to zoladex during chemo and then exemestane during radiotherapy. I'm still on them.

    I asked my oncologist just about every meeting at first whether my period was likely to come back once the 5 years were up (I will be 50 then) as there is no way I am going through the menopause twice. She said given I'd had chemo and would be having 5 years of ovary shut down and I would be 50, it would be extremely unlikely that periods would return.

    Are you able to get in contact with your oncologist? While you're waiting for gynae. They might offer some advice/experience.

  • I had thought about contracting my Oncologist but that's usually never easy. I'll try getting in touch with her secretary and relay the information and hopefully I'll hear back from her. 

    I too thought that being medically put into menopause and having been on chemo my periods were gone. 

    Honestly my concern is the fact that I'm on Anastrazole, a post menopause AI, when clearly I'm not post menopause. 

    Thanks for your reply.