Newbie - Suspected Paget's Disease of the Breast

  • 6 replies
  • 454 subscribers

Hi All,

Bit of a whirlwind but just wanted to introduce myself and say 'hi!'  Last Friday I had a mammogram, ultrasound and punch biopsy following an urgent referral from my GP.  Whilst I was grateful for the speed due to my family history, I was truly shocked when the consultant said she suspected paget's disease and commented that I have 'immature breasts' which I think means dense breasts? My mammogram was 'abnormal' and the doctor who performed the biopsy gave me lots of info about paget's.  When I was asked if I had any questions the best question I could come up with was 'which site will my next appointment be at?' and I kept forgetting the word 'pagets' so kept asking, 'sorry, can you repeat that?  I mean really?! 

Anyway, I see the consultant for my biopsy results and formal diagnosis next Thursday and I am besides myself with sheer panic.  I literally feel like I've been winded and wake-up gasping for breath, I've never experienced anything like it.  Is this normal as I am simply waiting for results? My stomach hurts, I am bloated and off my food and worse still I can't do my weights at the gym and throw myself around doing burpees because my right breast is like a football. Sport keeps me right in the head! ;-) I think because I am being all 'together' in the daytime the fear is creeping in at night.  However, in spite of being off my food and having tummy ache I haven't lost my taste for wine!

 I've avoided Dr Google but I processed enough last week to think it doesn't sound good.  Has anyone been suspected of paget's and in fact it's wasn't (wishful/delusional thinking perhaps!) 

How did you manage the wait of which I realise mine hasn't been that long.

Thank yooooooou xx

Typed in haste with apologies for any typos


  • Hi DoReen72, I am sorry you find yourself here but aware of the wonderful support that is offered. 
    It’s not a surprise that you kept forgetting what was said re Pagets  as it’s the shock. I’m sorry I can’t help with your question re Pagets or not as my diagnosis was different. 

    The waiting for results is difficult for everyone and I think your bloated stomach/being off your food is likely sheer anxiety. 
    I realise it’s hard to cope with the wait and worry. I can only advise that I kept myself busy. My house was like a new pin! 

    You say you get your diagnosis next Thursday and I wish you all the best for this Hugging Sending big hugs to you.

    Alfie 24

  • Hi DoReen, I'm so sorry to hear that you've found yourself in this place.

    I didn't have suspected Paget's but what I did have was a call back after a routine mammogram and then a two week wait for the results of the ultrasound and biopsy.

    The wait was agonising, especially after the biopsy! 

    For what it's worth, your description of how you feel sounds perfectly normal to me. As others have said to me, I would say, lean on those around you, use these forums, try to keep doing your feel-good activities. You can also call the nurse helplines on MacMillan or Breast Cancer Now, I've found that really helpful to have questions answered,  that I've been too shell-shocked to ask during appointments. 

    Above all be kind to yourself and also remember, you only know what you know for now. 

    Take really good care, big hug. S

  • Thank you Alfie, hugs gratefully received! Yes, I'm on overdrive keeping busy, the dog beds and blankets have been washed and they are not one little bit impressed! RoflFeetFeetFeet I hope you are doing well on your journey x 

  • Thank you Shaka, I hope you are doing well? Ooh, that's a really good idea re: the helplines - there's so much misinformation out there and very little about Pagets, thank you. I'll be more prepared for Thursday! Have a lovely weekend X Hugging

  • Hi, I'm doing good today thanks. I hope the day got better for you too. Wishing you all the best for ThursdayBlush

  • Ho DoReen72

    You will hear this many times, but the waiting truly is the worst part. I went though every emotion from initial testing through to agreeing treatment plan which in my case, for various reasons that don’t happen for to everyone, took ages. I was never ill and suddenly felt tired, had headaches, back pain, low appetite, poor sleep. Not surprising really, it’s scary and shocking. Same as you I stopped going to the gym for a couple of weeks, simply couldn’t face it and physically didn’t feel up to it. I won’t lie, this time was not pleasant. But, with every new bit of information you receive, whether that be good or bad, you will feel better and more in control. Once I knew what was happening, and why, I made myself get back into exercise and felt so much better overall and my diagnosis stopped being the only thing on my mind. I also believe exercise has massively helped with a very quick recovery from my recent surgery, I’m gently back at the gym after two weeks. Sorry that was longwinded, but suppose what I’m trying to say is what you are feeling is completely normal, but it does get easier. 

    I do not have Paget’s so not able to comment on that aspect, but what I can say is that, whatever the outcome, you will be well looked after and there is lots of support out there. I wish you every luck. x