Diagnosis at 27

  • 2 replies
  • 448 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

After finding a breast lump a couple of weeks back, my instincts told me to get it checked out by a doctor. I did and she referred me to a breast clinic for an ultrasound. Following the ultrasound I was immediately taken for a mammogram for a suspicious lump. The lump was then biopsied and has been sent away. 

During my appointment, my partner outright asked the doctor if he thinks it’s cancer to which he replied yes, he thinks it is. I’m currently eagerly awaiting the biopsy results to come back. 

Doctor confirmed it was the only lump and looked to be around 2cm. So I’m praying they’ve caught it early. Also nothing visible on my lymph node on scans. The nurse after told me it’s the best case scenario out of the worst but I still can’t help my mind wandering and dreading getting the results.

Is anyone in the waiting for results position and feeling anxious? 


  • Yes I am afraid the waiting game is the worse thing for us all.  It sounds that if it is positive you have caught it very early and small and the prognosis should be very good. It does help to hear how others have coped and just to be able to write about it. Keep in touch and will be thinking of you.xx

  • Hi Twin mama,

    I had a mammogram 9 weeks ago and they also found a 2 cm mass in my left breast. I waited three weeks for the results and when you live on your own, that seems like an eternity. However, my results came back as stage 1 and on Monday last, I had a lumpectomy and two lymph nodes re moved (was not in my lymph nodes but this is proceedure). 

    Of course I am not saying this will happen to you, we are all different, but if you do get a cancer diagnosis which is no doubt a scary thing, there are some things you can do. Firstly, take a few weeks to digest everything and let it sink in, you’ve already done the next best thing and contacted Macmillan, there is so much help here. You must put a support structure in place, your partner, close friends, work colleagues, people who will be there for you. I am also writing a daily diary, this helps so much, just getting things off your chest. Also it’s important to focus on the positives and surround yourself with positivity, don’t dwell on the negatives.

    I do hope everything goes well for you and will be keeping everything crossed. Remember, you are not alone, come here anytime for a natter or even just a general whinge Slight smile. Take care.xx