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Hi I was diagnosed with DCIS - high grade two weeks ago and am waiting for a surgery date. I am finding the wait quite hard and find I keep ringing up all the time to try and get a date sorted. Any recommendations for how to cope with this? Also I find I can't think of anything else at the moment and it kind of feels life is on hold - anyone else felt the same?

  • HiI was diagnosed at end of January and had surgery,mastectomy and lymph nodes clearance yesterday. Took a while because had to have two scans to make sure it hadn't spread. They are very thorough, The waiting is awful but worth it in the end. I am home now and feeling good. Everyone was so kind and helpful and it was not half as bad or painful as I imagined. I know everyone is different but hope this gives a bit of comfort. I am now waiting for path reports!! See the consultant in a fortnight. Know what you mean about life on hold it seems if it isn't  you especially as I felt my usual fit self. Thinking of you.x

  • Hi Estella

    I was diagnosed on 19th March, have an appointment with surgery team today, took a bit longer as I had an MRI and further biopsies since diagnosis. The last four weeks have been a blur. I am dreading today but feel that at least I will have some kind of plan. I have only coped as I have great family and friends supporting me, although I still go off and cry on my own! Hope you get to hear something soon x

  • Hi Photogirl

    Thank you so much for your reply- that really makes me feel better and that it’s not just me that is waiting a while. Do hope your recovery goes well - I’m sure it will and the pathology results are good. Fingers crossed ! X

  • Hi Vicki201- thank you for replying. It’s really reassuring and supportive to hear from people going through the same thing. Hope today goes well and you get some certainty on the next stages of treatment. X

  • Hi Vicki201,

    I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer eight weeks ago and had my lumpectomy and two lymph nodes removed on Monday - came home Tuesday.

    I live on my own, and although I have great support from friends, I sometimes still feel a little lonely. There is no shame in having a bit of a cry, we all have our off days, your only human. Be kind to yourself and keep in touch with good support groups. I visit my Macmillan centre for a coffee and chat and go for short regular walks to keep fit and cheer myself up.

    Always remember your not alone and you’ve always got us shower to chat to Grin

  • hello photogir lso very glad everything so far is good,makes a huge difference for your well-being and other followers..I was at the Western yesterday,its now back to Lumpectomy plus the dreaded radiation furthermore Im having a repeat Lupectomy as the previous surgeon had not removed it --im not amused but need to be brave and soldier on...well done,for perseverance ect,,im  still a bit overcome by the whole  procedure and the forthcoming treatment! after nearly  1yar of postponement.....

  • That must be difficult when you have to go back again. At least mine is all gone but I am in the older age group so it doesn't  matter about preserving it. I'm sure when I was younger would want to keep some of it. The worst bit yesterday was being ready in early morning then their was no bed so didn't go down until 2, was really scared they would send me home. It's amazing how different our stories are for the similar thing.  I think it is a priority thing and we do better than some peoples illnesses but you have been in it for a long time. I find friends etc very supportive now but expect they get fed up after a long time. Hope you soon get sorted and see the path ahead. Thinking of you x

  • Hello again,yes  waiting for me was the worst part as i had 4hrs to wait and it was most distressing-as i suffer from anxiety--did they not offer any pre-op meds.?I dont understand why thet dont give you some form of comfort if its necessart---I forgot to mention that at the consultation-----Anyway im so pleased you have lots of attention from friends and family-i havent got anyone that could help.Hoping that ypu manage to rest well and that theres not to much discomfort?  bye for now -take care

    • Hi Estella 
    • the waiting game can be frustrating but keep calling till you get the response you need. I had a dilemma waiting for my radiation consultation and my meeting was rescheduled to 1st May. I am anxious as no idea when treatment will start and really want to get on with life. But I understand the need for patience! Easier said than done but hang in there! 
  • Hi Haze09

    Thank you for replying - its so reassuring to know that you are not alone with this. I have now been given a provisional date for 2nd May for surgery but am waiting for that to be confirmed. Hope your meeting on 1st goes well and hopefully we will all be through this soon.