
  • 4 replies
  • 451 subscribers

Hi to all of you brave friends,

I am so grateful to have survived breast cancer twice. I had to have a Masectomy last time (2 years ago) and still cannot look at or touch my chest. I also cannot make love to my husband and can’t be bothered to dress up anymore. I know I am so lucky after meeting so many people in such worse situations than me but I feel depressed and just want to hide. I’d be so grateful to hear how you made a flat Masectomy a positive experience please. Many thanks. 

  • Hi, sorry you find yourself on this very difficult journey and that you are going through a very rough time.  I can understand how you feel.  I’m sure your husband sees more to you than your Breast’s.  Although an important part it is not what makes you, you.  I have asked my husband several times if I should get a reconstruction but he said I’ve been through enough.  I went to counselling with Action Cancer and it really helped me with my low mood and self esteem.  Have you considered that?  Have you been offered or considered reconstruction?   Surgeons can do wonderful things.  I have read on here that ladies are really pleased with the outcome.  Sending love and hugs your way xx

  • Hi, your post touched a nerve with me, I am divorced and single, as now at a age where cannot be bothered with relationships, I decided to have a flat masectomy, all went well and its just over 2 weeks so still swollen, but its repulsive to me and I don't think I can touch.

    Your situation is different, and I can only admire your bravery and determination, and I so hope this is what your husband sees, I am sure he doesnt want you to endure anymore. We all know its a journey and you are so aware of your husbands thoughts and feelings, but this is your body, you have to do what you think is right, and are comfortable with. It seems you have a solid marriage so you will be fine with time.

    For me I am thinking naybe a tattoo later on, just so I can look at as a part of me and the journey I am on. 

    Good luck x

    • I had a mastectomy on Friday and really don’t like it so far. I’m hoping I’ll feel less sad about it in time. I couldn’t have a reconstruction as I’m pregnant 
  • Omg bless you, such a tough time for you... I think once the swelling goes down all will look better, and you can have reconstruction later, best of luck to you, hugs. X