
  • 2 replies
  • 485 subscribers


This is my first post on the forum. I have recently been diagnosed with non invasive breast cancer. 

I have had good and bad days but have found the last couple of days a real struggle. I am still yet to receive a treatment plan and I am waiting for an appointment for more scans.

I am finding all this waiting really difficult and draining. I am trying to think of ways to help myself get through but I am one of these people who are really hard and critical of themselves and so I don't give myself a break. 

Sending all my best wishes to everybody Heart 

  • It's horrible waiting.  Usually once they know everything it moves very quickly. From diagnosis to operation it was 6 weeks.   10 weeks after that I started chemo.it is hard not to beat yourself up though. But try not to be too hard on yourself reach out to folk like you have here. It does help xxx 

  • I agree the waiting is the worst, you just have to try and keep busy, take it one day at a time and don't look too far ahead. No easy answers unfortunately except to say you are amongst a lot of people all going through similar, Its a huge, life changing event so good and bad days are normal .

    I'm now nearly 4 weeks post op and waiting for results which won't be till next Thurs so just over 4 weeks, this has been the longest wait so far and very hard. 

    There are always people on here if you need to reach out, sending big hugs. xxx