Recently diagnosed with breast cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 486 subscribers

Hi, I was told that I had breast cancer on 19th March following a routine mammogram. Was told I wouldn't have felt the lumps, there were two. I was then told there was a further area of concern and had further biopsy on there on Friday. I have an appointment on 18th with the breast surgery team to discuss surgery/treatment. The first two weeks I was in complete shock, now I am tearful but trying to be positive. I keep getting told that I am 'lucky' it was caught early ...lucky, lucky is winning the lottery! I have a very supportive workplace, family and friends and know I have a journey but will be okay. Still scared as though  

  • Hi Vicki201

    Agree ‘lucky’ is the wrong word when just diagnosed. I fully understand the feeling of shock. I’m a year on since being told it’s cancer and think I’m still in shock. I had a mastectomy and radiotherapy ( no chemo) so sometimes it does feel like I’m lucky to me.  It’s a long journey ahead and you’ll have good days and bad days. Hope it goes well on the 18th. X

  • Hi, feeling lucky is all relative, so I know what you mean.  I found once I knew the treatment plan, things got much more manageable, so I hope it's the same for you. It's good to have a supportive network, for many people that helps a lot. Best wishes

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  • Yes I think when I know what treatment and surgery I will be having at least I can plan, although it's still all scary. I have good family and friends support and my workplace have been great. Thank you.