Hello- First post

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  • 486 subscribers

Hi all

I have been checking out this forum for the last few weeks whilst awaiting results and surgery following lump I found in right breast at the end of Jan.

I have been having annual mammograms since turned 40 ( just turned 45) and my last one 10months ago showed no signs, yet I was informed a few weeks ago after feeling a lump that I had a 6cm area of DCIS and 5cm IDC in the right breast. I had mastectomy surgery on the 19th March.

At yesterday’s follow meeting I was informed that all 5 lymph nodes removed during surgery have tested positive and they have upped the grade of cancer to grade 3 as the most aggressive form. (I was told the grading system is from 1-3)

I’m now awaiting a top to toe CT scan to see if I have signs of cancer elsewhere.

Mind is a mess tonight as I have stayed so positive throughout all this so far but this new update has totally pulled the rug from under me. I was expecting in my mind to be told I would be starting chemo and moving forwards with beating this. Now to be told they suspect it may have spread has come as such a shock. How can I possibly have cancer elsewhere being so fit and healthy and showing no symptoms of any kind?

Terrified now of what the scan will show and what my long term prognosis may be. I kept asking the consultant and the BCN for some positive news but I just got lots of apologies and empathetic smiles. 

The horrible waiting game continues.

  • Hello weezy.

    Very sorry that you have been diagnosed with BC.

    I wanted to pop in and send you a big hug, wishing you manage to sleep and have some rest.

    As you said, the waiting is difficult to tolerate and time seems to not rush enough for answers, it will eventually and you will have your treatment plan and it will be different.

    My experience is that consultants and nurses don't want to give us any info until they are kind of certain, which increases the anxiety for some of us. Others have a different approach and prefeer to know very little.

    Meanwhile we are here in the forum to support you, feel free to share, read, comment. For some of us that helps with the frustration of things going slowly.

    I hope you are recovering well from OP and wish you all the best.


  • Hi Mlen

    Thank you for your response and kind words. It’s good to be around others that can identify with what it is to go through the BC journey.

    Op went a lot better than expected pain wise but fluid build up is a nuisance but expected side effect.

    Much love to you xx 

  • I was the same as you. My lump was 6cm and in lymph nodes. Ct was a precaution and mine was thankfully clear.  Here's hoping your results are the same.  My chemo started 10 weeks after my surgery. I needed to be healed for this to happen.  I had some complications as my wound didn't heal very well.  Hopefully this can help you 

  • Thank you for your response and sharing your experience. It’s very helpful and much appreciated.

    My wound is healing great thankfully so shouldn’t prevent any treatment whenever I get it.

    Only thing I can do atm is look after my body and get it in the best shape I can for this next battle whatever it may be, so off for first slow jog post op on the treadmill today. 

    Managed a few hours sleep and feeling a bit more positive……searching for the rainbow after the rainstorm.

  • So good that you managed to have some sleep and are healing well. This is great news at this moment Weezy.

    Exercising, if possible, healps big time with the mind too.

    I was diagnosed in Autumn last year and had to stay home because of covid around and also feeling pretty low emotionally. So I got me a static bike and have been cycling daily ever since, at my rhytm, it has been "my other councellor".

    There is a thread Walking back to happiness that you might find interesting to read and join to share. There is life ahead Weezy and we are here for you.

  • With you on the cycling, I got one too as I was supposed to be doing my first 10k run in May and wanted to mix up the training….have had to cancel this and also  postpone my wedding that was planned for Oct.

    Glad you have found some solace whilst ‘ on your bike’. I can relate as between May 2022 and May 2023 I decided to get fit. I gave up drink and took up exercise and lost 6.5stone.

    To put into perspective, 12 mths ago I was hospitalised with Pulmony embolisms in my lung….they thought and scanned me for cancer as the didnt know why I had massive blood clots. They said if I hadn’t have got fit the outcome would have been very different. 

    I thought that was my biggest challenge in life but then this…maybe this is why I subconsciously decided to get fit, things happen for a reason they say.

    Thanks for the link, Will deff check it out.

    wishing you the best pet.

  • I am getting referred to a get active programme as I am struggling to get out and about. Walking a small distance knackers me out at the moment 

  • Hi Janicekoolkat.

    Do let us know your experience about the active programme, everything we can do to help ourselves to be/feel better is always of my interest.

    I can relate to you that there is a moment of struggling of going out and also for doing other usual stuff to be honest. We are here to support you <3

    Maybe the walking to happiness thread is of your interest too, it is really nice to read and also lovely photos, Very inspiring.


  • It may knacker you and be a struggle but your trying and it will should easier, it certainly did for me.

    well done you for having a mindset and a want to improve this.Clap tone1

    i was such an anti exercise person and I still won’t be found anywhere near one of these torture dungeons they call gyms but each to their own Thumbsup tone1.

  • Weezy,

    Congratulations on all the work you have already done on yourself. You are brave and you are stong, you already proved that to yourself.

    Cycling is the way to go!