MBC in multiple sites, newly diagnosed

  • 7 replies
  • 459 subscribers

Hello all, I am 74 and a 'benign' cyst has turned into lung, bone and skin MBC. I am going for chemotherapy. Can anyone one cheer me up with some survival stories.....please.....

  • All I can say is that cancer treatment is incredibly advanced nowadays and many people with MBC go into remission for years and even decades. It is really important to stay positive and please don't lose hope! Medical teams are brilliant and I am sure you will be in very good hands! Chemotherapy (I have been through that too!) does wonders in shrinking tumors, you can read many stories about that here on this forum. I wish you the very best of luck in your treatment, be strong and positive! Big hug,

    Lana xx

  • Dear Liz,zyT, Some good news az requezted. I a ceptthat we are all diferent, but this is my experience...,I am mu h older than you, and dusovered a lump in my breast 6 months Go. It waz already 3cms and quite solid. I was immediately puton Letrizole whilecthey carried out biopoziesabd MRI' etc. It turned out be one of the i nvasivesi ve ones, but oestrogen srnsitive, and by 3 months on letrizole ithad shrunk to 1.9 cms. and3 monthslater,and itis now .8 cms .and very diffi cult to find.

    Hopefully yours is hormone sensitive too..Please e cuse spelli g etc.broke my glasses  but wanted to reply.. wWishing you  good news re your treatment, and a  big warm hug from Silverspiral

  • P.s  it was Grade 3 but lymph nodes were not involved.

  • Aw that's great news x.  Blush here's hoping you get your glasses sorted out too.xx 

    I couldn't type with out mine x 

  • Hi Lizzy , I was diagnosed 7 months at aged 52 with Stage 4 BC in my liver . I was terrified but take it scan by scan now . I’ve had 2 scans and the tumours have reduced in size so I’m stable . I still have bad days with some side effects similar to chemo from targeted drugs (I’ve done chemo as well with my primary BC) but I try and enjoy life the best that I can when feeling well enough. There’s so many treatments now and I think when this one stops working at some point, they’ll try something else or there could be a new drug out by then. It’s ok to have days when you feel low but it’s good to try and enjoy life when you’re having a good day ! I have just been to Portugal for 3 days. I was determined to get there and it was fabulous! You will get your head around it and there’s so many new treatments coming out all the time but It is a huge shock being diagnosed with Stage 4 (stage 3 was bad enough!)Good luck with your treatment ,  take care and lots of hugs xx

  • Silver spiral, what side effects do you have with ribociclib? I suspect this may be what I shall be put on.

  • Dear LizzyT, I am on Letrozole which is different I think The worst side effects for me  are extreme fatigue and heartburn  and blurred vision, but well worth the tumor shrinking so much up to now. But the fatigue means I cannot have any sort od social life because I keep having to cancel things and I hate letting people down. So I was going to ask if I can go on a smaller dose.....and then I  think that I should put if with it a bit longer, be grateful that its wirking so well. 

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, withots of love and a big hug, from Silverspiral