Seroma / Haematoma

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I was diagnosed with breast cancer Jan this year.

On the 26 Feb I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy.  I spend 8 days in hospital. I had to have further surgery to remove a haematoma. I've had a blood transfusion, and iron infusion and was put on an insulin drip.

I'm back home but now struggling to deal with a seroma/haematoma in the axilla and boob.Both have been drained twice , still filling up . I'm due to go back to the breast clinic on Wednesday to see the surgeon.

I'm usually a positive person but I'm not coping so well with things.

My triple bypass in Sept 23 was easier to deal with!

I'd like to hear others experience of having a seroma/haematoma.



  • Hello, I am sorry you are having these problems. I had my mastectomy on Dec 21 but straight after I developed a seroma. It looked like my boob was growing back! I had it drained about 4 times but the consultant was undecided about making it worse and risking infection.  It was full of dark blood and not clear fluid. I had chemo after so left it for a long time but it was still there and made my prothesis not sit flat on my chest. 

    My consultant now says it is encapsulated and will need surgery to remove. He booked me in for surgery last month but I phoned and cancelled as I would need to reopen my scar and have drains in - not just a simple op, which it was made to sound like.  I was only just getting back to work properly and if there were any problems I might need a long time off, which would not be fair on work.  I am also still undecided about a reconstruction so did not see the point having two surgeries when it can be done in one. I asked could I get it done in the summer holidays. 

    it is rather unsightly and a little uncomfortable so am just leaving it until I decide what I am doing and am established a bit more in my job. 

    I hope you get your seroma sorted. Apparently, they can get absorbed into your body naturally, just mine did not. Good luck x