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I found a lump in my left breast a few months back and for some reason kept putting it off going to docs but while I was attending an appointment about gynae problems I mentioned the lump that I had felt as I thought it was linked. The doctor was amazing and examined me straight away and was very thorough, to be honest I thought she was going to say there was nothing there or that’s just normal/linked to gynae issues so when she said that she could feel 2 lumps and a difference between my left and right lymph node area I was in shock. Doctor said it will take around 3 weeks for an appointment to be seen at breast clinic but I’m not sure what examinations usually happen first and how long do people wait for any results or are you given any information from the people doing the examinations on the day? 

  • Once you get the appointment well for me I got a mammogram and biopsies done. Results we 6 days later. Mastectomy and reconstruction 6 weeks after that.  Chemo started 10 weeks after that

    Hope this helps to reassure you a wee bit.

    Others I know have had the treatment first them surgery though

  • Thank you Janicekoolkat that really helps xx

  • It is the unknown that is the worst part.  I needed to heal before the  treatment started. 1 down 5 to go. Then radiotherapy 

  • Hi Dihenni,

    So sorry to hear you’re waiting for an appointment and tests to have your worries confirmed. If it’s any comfort, I realised something was wrong with my left breast whilst on holiday and instead of calling the GP there & then and making an appointment for when I got back, I put it off and then didn’t get around to calling the GP until about 6 weeks later. Part of me was in denial and just not wanting to face the reality of having breast cancer (I had found quite a large lump hiding behind my normal breast tissue, so I suspected the worst). 

    Having seen my GP, I was referred to the Breast Clinic and my appointment came through 2 weeks later, so that was pretty quick. On the day itself, I had a mammogram, ultrasound and a biopsy. Based on my mammogram, the surgeon sat me down there & then and recommended I have a mastectomy due to the size of the tumour. He checked his calendar and said he’d aim to operate in 5 weeks’ time. My biopsy results came back 2 weeks later and that confirmed the type of cancer I had (ER positive). So yes, I did learn quite a lot on the day itself and whilst the appointments/ tests/ surgery happened over a matter of weeks, it didn’t feel like things were moving too slow or too fast - the pace was appropriate for me coming to terms with my diagnosis and treatment plan. 

    I hope you get your appointment quickly and just remember to take someone with you for support. Even if you think you know what you’re walking into, the reality can be a shock and I was quite upset. 

    Big hug, xx

  • Yea it’s the waiting that’s worse and as much as everyone keeps saying oh don’t worry it might be nothing deep down I know something isn’t right…hope your managing your treatment as well as it can be and get through the next 5 quickly xx

  • AnneL thanks for sharing your story…I’m glad you were given information on the day which is what I’m hoping for good or bad…I keep thinking I don’t want to take someone with me and I’m no sure why xx

  • Hi Dihenni, i would echo what Annel said about taking someone with you. I had my first set of results a few days ago and it is all a blur. Fortunately my other half listened v carefully. Had prepared a page and a half of questions and wrote down the answers. It’s agodsend as we can refer back to what we were told and when i misremember and am either over positive or catastrophising it’s good to remind myself what we currently know and what we’re waiting to hear. 

    Waiting is hard but as i have discovered there lots of support on here

  • Hello Dihenni.

    So sorry that you are in this waiting time, it was very good of you to mention the lump and the doctor examinated you.

    Just wanted to mention that when I found a lump in my right breast my GP checked it and send me with a 3 days referral to the breast screening.

    This lump on my right breast ended up being a benign condition, on this screening they did found a nonpalpable lump on my left breast that was BC (not related to the lump in my right breast that took me there) and they performed biopsies on both breasts.

    When I asked the technician that day, they told me that they could not give a diagnosis without biopsies results and recommended to bring someone with me to further appointments.

    As the other members mentioned, it helps to bring someone with you, specially if you are feeling nervous. 

    I wish you all the best and a good outcome.


  • Wow Mlen that’s lucky well not lucky but you know what I mean!!!  Thanks for the advice xx

  • It was 2 weeks for me to be seen by the breast clinic where I had several mammograms and scans followed by a core biopsy. I had the results back the following week and surgery 2 weeks later.