Burning pain under arm after lumpectomy and sentinel node removal

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  • 505 subscribers

Hi Everyone!

Newbie and trying to navigate round this Marvellous site.!

Had lumpectomy and sentinel node removal on 5th February since Saturday I have this awful like sunburn pain under arm from armpit to elbow..still doing exercises but so painful when skin is touched. Against body or by material Or I move my arm . Saw breast nurse and doctor today who said probably nerve damage in op..He prescribed NEFOPAM as paracetamol and ibropfem not helping. Hoping will gradually go. Does anyone else have this experience.?

Thank you 

  • I had my op in Dec 22,   all the lymph nodes were removed and wide excision lumpectomy. I remember a burning sensation under the arm and up to the elbow at times. I still get it occasionally. I did the exercise as long as I needed to. The Macmillan nurse told me to take the tabs regularly, not to wait for it to be painful. She told me to wear a soft bra all the time. I did but undid it at night. Massage with bio oil and Aloe Vera gel I think I used. Distraction and having a walk for 30 mins regularly helped. It's recommended for people like us, or those recovering from cancer. It's hard not to be consumed by it. I did see the breast care Nurse and Dr when I needed reassurance. 

    It is tricky psychologically, it does take at least 6 wks to heal and maybe 3 mths to feel better in that area. Healing is slow, it's psychological as well. Its my second year now, I do feel better than last year. It's all a process. Hope it eases soon for you. Xxx

  • Thank you so much for taking time to reply And for all the information and advice which I will try. I have an energetic Spaniel to walk every day which helps to motivate me.!!You really have made a difference to me ..I was nervous putting query upI know silly but never done forums or threads ..New skill.

    I wish you ongoing healing and a big hug


  • Thank you, right back at you. I have had support from this forum. It's a useful backup if struggling to get information. It does feel a bit like mind games sometime. Seeing someone to get reassurance or someone saying the right thing is reassuring. Gentle massage and making friends with your boobs or what's left of them is important. Prayers and healing for you. I'm not religious but I do believe in the power of good and Angels. 

  • I still have that problem had mine done in August told nerve damage may not improve Sob

  • Hi I had that surgery on 7th Feb and started getting the sandpaper feel in my armpit and a bit sore a few days afterwards which makes the arm exercises quite uncomfortable to do. I had my 2 week follow up with consultant yesterday and dressings removed. I asked about it and consultant said its the most common complaint after lymph node removal and just to moisturise and massage the area and take pain killers if needed and it should settle down. Hope it does calm down soon. My breasts are more sore now the dressings are off as well. 

  • Thank you!! sooo much kindness from someone I've never met. I believe in the power of good too and You are an Angel xxx

  • Oh no I'm so sorry . I did read up that could happen. Do you take pain meds all the time?

  • Hi thank you for replying..so we are about same time frame after op..and same  after dressing taken off so much more sorer and hard to sleep at night when need to turn over i put a pillow under arm. Didn't realise it was a common result of surgery. 

    Hope it starts to calm down for you and you feel better.x it's great to share info. xxx

  • I'm just a week ahead of you (post mastectomy, reconstruction and lymph node removal).

    I also asked at 2weeks when they removed dressings. They said same to me. But honestly it's no better, plus a hard lump. So I'm gonna call bc nurse again.

    But one thing I've found that helps is a cushion under my armpit. I walk around the house with it and sleep with one too. My lovely sister made me a variety of cushions after reading other post mastectomy patients comments on an NHS site. 

    I sleep in a soft active bra...more comfortable than the support bras they gave me for daytime. Sleep is still the main problem  for me though cos of the discomfort. 

    Best of luck with your recovery. Xx

  • Goood idea I do need some cushions, I was thinking that last night in bed, not getting much sleep either even when taking nytol. Think I will go shopping for some this weekend Best wishes to you too xx