Starting EC chemo

  • 22 replies
  • 487 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is staying positive and are going from strength to strength.  I had a lumpectomy, masectomy and full lymph node clearance at the end of January on my 53rd birthday.  I am now 4 weeks post-op and apart from a leak from the wound and a little infection, I have recovered quite well from the surgery and I am embracing my flat chest on the right (I am not having any reconstruction).  I received a letter yesterday saying that my chemo will start on Friday 1st March at 8:45 am.  I am planning to try cold capping but if I lose my hair, it will grow back and is the small price I pay.  I was just wondering what people feel I need to take with me on the day (my husband is keeping me company for the first one) and what to expect in the days that follow.  I know everyone is different and I have read the information that the oncologist gave me last week but was just wondering if I could get some personal experiences off others on this helpful forum.

Thank you

  • I love your positive attitude to it all that's amazing! Glad you have recovered well after surgery!! 

    I have just had my second round of EC chemo yesterday I'm 32, I cold capped the first time but my started to fall out 2 weeks after! However I have some really nice wigs and head scarves... the nurse told me it's a 50/50 chance it will work! Take a nice comfy blanket as you can get cold! Good luck xx 

  • Thanks for that, I will pack my blanket.  My hair is to my shoulders and I am contemplating cutting it short next week ready for the fall out and ordering some head scarves.  Did you have any other side effects from the chemo?  How many days did it take you to feel normalish after the first chemo? x

  • Hi ShazzaL

    I am just coming to the end of my chemo

    And now have the mastectomy to look forward to, not sure if I'm going to be given the option for reconstructive surgery at same time. They have given me different information from original consultation.

    You would definitely benefit from taking a drink and maybe music or a book and somethingnice to nibble on. 

    I decided against cold cap, my hair was down to my boobs 

    I had a cut in stages, so it wasn't such a shock.  But had it shaved within a few weeks, because it was just coming out so much leaving a trial of hair everywhere.

    I was usually ok on day of chemo,just a bit tired, ok day after then feeling more side effects in the following 3-4 days when on weekly. But side effects lasts longer on 3weekly chemo.

    Hope this helps, good luck


  • I ordered some lovely ones off shein, very cheap but really good quality! Just read the reviews :) 

    so I always had extensions in quite long, I took them out and cut mine short it was a really good decision so I'd advise that one! Although the hair falling out is pretty hard! I'm going to shave mine in the next 2 weeks I think. 

    so side effects was definitely feeling sick, and only sick a few times... constipation, hot flushes and stomach cramps... after my last one it lasted about a week. But it's also hit me on the same day of having it both rounds. But all you have to think it does get better and I'm sure you will be okay xx

  • I used the cold cap and then got a hair system which weaves hair into mine

     No one notoced the change

  • The masectomy was a lot easier than I thought so please don't worry.  The surgery is really neat and, to be honest, it has not bothered me at all.  I had a drain in for a week but it wasn't too bad. My 10 year old daughter saw my scar last week and asked where my nipple had gone!  I explained it went with the boob, she thought that would have stayed which made me laugh. Good luck with the surgery and thanks for the advice x

  • Thanks, I will check them out x

  • Hi   glad your recovering well from your Masectomy my treatment story can be found on my profile if you want to read .

    I had EC X 6 and although I can’t say how you will react as we are all different I can give a few hints lol Joy 

    Firstly keep a diary of chemo cycle ie day 1 is infusion day ..cycle of 21 days til next . Write down how you feel and any side effects this helps when you want to tell team how you are but also you will see a pattern emerge and be able to plan for good days before your next cycle therefore taking control .

    Be aware chemo dehydrates both external and internal so plenty to drinks and lots of moisturiser. Whatever side effects you get tell your team they can supply mouth wash etc to cope with ulcers but you can try to prevent using child soft toothbrush and gentle toothpaste .

    I also had bouts of oral thrush but again team gave me prescription . 
    I didn’t cold cap so went to pixie style prior to EC didn’t shave head til about cycle 3/4 had a wig which is still in box mainly used beanie hats made of bamboo using coloured headbands to liven up hat .

    most importantly listen to your body rest when needed but try for walk each day building up each day of cycle .Unless they’ve changed the way EC is administered nurse will be next to you so not much chance to read but good someone to chat to .

    Hope my waffle helps in some way more info within profile 

    best wishes 

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !