Hello all new here - long diagnosis!!

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I’m new to this forum and hoping we will be really supportive for each other. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December, but am still in the cycle of tests, scans and results before a full diagnosis. 14 weeks since urgent referral now and still don’t have a full diagnosis or treatment plan…. The time delays are crazy, and the unknown is terrible. Currently waiting for results from latest scan to see once and for all (I hope) if the cancer has spread or not. 
From what I’ve been led to believe once the diagnosis is complete the treatment pathway is really focussed and gets moving quite quickly. Is this what others have experienced? 
I’m not sure I can keep sane for another few months for treatment to start. 

  • Hi  , sorry you find yourself here, the club that none of us want to join. I’ve been rattling round here for over 5 years and have found it a great place for support and shared experiences. There have been many here I think with similar long drawn out routes to a treatment plan, I’m sure there will be others popping in with their stories. I was lucky that mine seemed fairly straightforward, although any waiting seemed endless. The worst wait for me was between surgery and radiotherapy, but I ended up glad of the long gap for extra healing time. It’s a ghastly limbo stage you’re at, definitely better once you know what you’re dealing with and can get started with treatment of some sort. I think you just have to somehow get through this tortuous time, knowing that the medics are gathering the necessary information to devise the best possible plan for your particular situation. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thankyou. It’s so helpful to hear what you and others are going through. Very glad to hear it’s all supportive too Blush you hit the nail on the head - as soon as I know I’ll know what I’m dealing with. Could be a mastectomy or could be secondary cancer which is hard to comprehend and a total unknown.  But either way once there is clarity it will be easier to deal with.  Bring it on tbh!! I like your positive approach to the delays in terms of extra healing time. I’ll use that one in my thought process. Thank you for your  positivity HappyFeet1 x

  • Hi CurlyKL,

    I am sorry you are having to wait for answers. I had a referral back in October and saw the consultant after having a mammogram and biopsies.  At the beginning of November I was told I had breast cancer in the right breast and lymph nodes but more tests were needed on my bonus left breast. Four weeks later after 2 more biopsies, the results came back as pre cancerous.  I had a ct scan just before Christmas that showed the cancer hadn't spread although I had a couple of nodules on my chest wall. I saw my consultant on 8th January and it was confirmed I would be having a radical mastectomy,  full lymph node clearance and a lumpectomy on 24th January, my 53rd birthday.  I saw my oncologist last week as well as the physio, now having a heart scan tomorrow,  more bloods next week with chemo starting a week on Friday. So I would definitely agree with you, once you have the results through things happen quite quickly. I was quite frustrated having lots of tests and starting nothing before Christmas but I understand they need the facts first.

    Good luck and stay positive x

  • Hi CurlyKL

    Sorry to hear about your waiting time, I'm still in the test, scan and wait stage myself and it is pure torture. Some days I manage to almost forget what's happening but then days like today I've been a bit of a mess.  I'm trying to remember that the more information they get at the start the less likely there will be surprises down the road and the better my treatment plan will be. I don't know if that's actually true but i need to believe it.

    Sending love x

  • Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad day Tori123. I think we all have those if that helps. I had a meltdown on Monday but the bad days pass. You are right with the more info approach and it has to be right, plus we all have individual plans and needs. So we can’t compare and it helps to share x