EC chemo about to start- what to expect

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  • 490 subscribers

I'm starting chemo next week and sods law, I've got an event I neecf to attend and speak at for two hours the day after. 

What are your thoughts on likely hood of this being manageable? It's my first round and I am cold capping 

  • Hi Cancerbeglam, it’s difficult to say how you will feel the next day. Everyone is different on how they feel and cope. I know when I had EC I would have not felt up to doing anything the next few days - was about day 7 to 10 when I started to feel more like myself. I didn’t go to work either as I knew it would have taken way too much effort for me. It was exhausting enough just moving around the house. Once I started on docetaxel that was much easier and I managed to go to work after the first week of treatment each cycle. As I say this was my experience. Others will offer advice how they felt. Could you do your meeting via what’s app or teams maybe? I’m sure people would understand and it may help based on how you could feel. Setting something up now at least you wouldn’t let anyone down.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi Cancerbeglam, I had my first EC Chemo last Thursday. I can honestly say there is no way I would have been fit the next day to speak at an event. As Cuffcake2000 said it’s different for everyone. 
    I only began to feel anything like ‘human’ again yesterday (so a week since Chemo)

    Im sure you will make the right decision for you. Good luck and big hugs Hugging xx

    Alfie 24

  • Thank you. I’m self employed so don’t want to miss it. My nurse said I will feel tired for sure, but hopefully won’t feel too sick 

  • Hi as others have said it's very difficult to say how you will feel as everyone is different. After my first cycle of ec I felt like I had a hangover for two days. I didn't have any sickness but had constipation.

  • Hi, as others have said it’s different for everyone, but I was in bed and throwing up for 2 days after my first EC.  My medical team sorted the sickness with extra strong meds for subsequent rounds, but I couldn’t  work for a few days after each EC.  Your hair won’t have fallen out within 24 hours though, especially with cold capping.  Might be worth having a Plan B or (if you feel able) warning the organisers that you’re having a medical procedure the day before and there’s a small chance you won’t make it.  

  • EC affected me straight away. I couldn't have driven afterward and definitely couldn't have worked the next day. I'm also self-employed and I managed to work at home from about Day 6 after chemo. 

    I tried to do a bit much after my first round of chemo and ended up vomiting. Once you start you can't stop, so I was hospitalised.

    After that, I made sure I took it easy for the first few days. I just wanted to sleep and not eat much the first 4 days and then on the 5th day, I felt OK enough to get out of bed for a bit more and then on Day 6 I was able to work - but no way I could have gone anywhere for that. I was able to work because I could sleep at lunchtime, and not move around much.

    Everyone is different of course, but you're not going to know until you have your first round.

    If it were me, I'd plan not to do the event, and let people down now rather than on the day.

  • Hi   as already been said we can only talk about our own experience because we all react differently . My treatment story is on profile if you want to read .

    I had EC x 6 for me ten minutes before end of every infusion I would get blurred vision then headache . Would take two paracetamol and sit with eyes closed before moving . 
    Would get flu like symptoms for 3/4 days and fatigue /nausea  ..I think I got every side effect listed but not all at once and quite manageable until cumulative around 4th infusion .

    advice going forward would be absolutely take anti sickness meds even if you feel well ..prevention easier than cure keep a diary of symptoms during cycle starting day 1 til 21 then start again you’ll see pattern and be able to plan .

    With regards your planned event it might be a bit ambitious so best to work with the idea you won’t be going then if you are well it’s a bonus to get there 

    best wishes with rest of treatments 

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • I had EC as my first twelve weeks and felt fine - hope you are too but as mentioned we’re all different. 

    I was rubbish on the Carboplatin and Paclitaxel!


  • Everyone is different, I guess. I think I just felt a bit light headed at that point in the cycle, I never felt sick. The worst but was about day 5 when the Filgastrim injections started. Your hair will be fine - it takes a couple of weeks before any shedding begins. Make sure you drink lots of water. 

  • Ginger biscuits are great for nausea. Still addicted more than 2 years on….
