EC Chemo

  • 6 replies
  • 486 subscribers

Started my first cycle of EC on Thursday and have felt utterly awful the last two days. Like a bad flu. Any tips and advice to stay on top of the symptoms. Didn’t expect it to be this bad on Cycle 1!

  • Hello I had my first cycle 2 weeks ago, and I felt like rubbish as soon as I got home.. I don't feel like anything I did made me feel better, I just got plenty of rest and kept up with my fluids :) 

  • Hi Giddy234

    You poor thing to be hit so hard on round one.  I know I was too but that was a different chemo drug and due to gastro issues (resolved once prescribed Omeprazole).  Good old paracetamol staggered with ibuprofen throughout the day/night is how I got through a long with plenty of hydration and sleep.

    Don't be afraid to contact oncology to tell them about a strong reaction/side effects, they don't give out medals for suffering in silence, they may have a magic wand with their prescription pad.  Perhaps some antihistamine or something stronger than paracetamol?  Give them a call, they would rather know sooner than later.  I ended up back on the day ward with a drip due to dehydration as I couldn't swallow anything without causing pain, should have gone back to them sooner!). Learn from my mistake!

    Hope it eases up for you, don't panic as my round 3 was much worse than my round 4, it doesn't necessarily get worse consecutively!



  • Hi I had my first EC three weeks ago - it hit me the same day and for a couple of days afterwards. I slept quite a bit when I could and drank lots of water (couldn't face coffee sadly) did start to feel more myself on about day 3. My taste also seemed to go so I bought some fizzy/sherbet type sweets just to try and  help. Sending you lots of positivity Muscle

  • Hi. I had my first round on Jan 31st and it also hit me like a train! I felt dreadful for about a week with sickness, dizziness, headaches and really tired BUT the last day or so I’ve felt much more myself and able to function! I have a 10 week old baby so she’s kept me going Purple heart 

  • Hi, I had my first EC 4 weeks ago.  Had the third one today.  The first one definitely hit me hard.  Was okay on day of treatment and the day after, but for the next few days I felt exhausted dizzy and could hardly get off the sofa.  This was after weekly taxol for 12 weeks which I'd tolerated pretty well, so it was a shock.  I think for me, it was a lot to do with  not knowing how I'd react and I kind of gave in to it.  For the second one, I made a conscious decision to stick to my normal routine, but just take it easier and it seemed to work.  Although i felt more tired and had less of an appetite, i coped a lot better.  It is hard to keep your energy up, especially when food seems unappealing, but I try to eat little and often and keep hydrated.  I have found for both rounds 1 & 2 that I feel better by 6 or 7 and then a lot better for the following week.

    I hope your symptoms improve in the next few days and for the coming cycles.  Muscle

  • Hi  

    I finished my chemo in Jan but had 3 rounds of EC last year. It’s a tough one to get though and I found it really affected by head. Very dizzy and foggy brain and I had a day where I felt like I was losing my mind. I found CBD really effective in soothing my symptoms (especially when my mind was at its worst). Mine didn’t get worse with each round as I found it about the same. Paracetamol also helped at times. 

    Hope you’re feeling better soon. Lots of rest!