Hi from Scotland

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Confused & Emotional !
Diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3 a week past Thursday, had my MRI on Monday, expecting to be given treatment plan on Thursday  for the right breast, as discussed the week before. The MRI has shown up something else on left side so a CT scan was done yesterday, a biopsy for left breast scheduled Tuesday next week. I feel lost and keep looking at my 10 year old daughter feeling like I’m about to leave her. I adopted her at 5 years old and she is my complete world, I’m feeling so guilty for her after having such a horrible start to life, and I’m about to crush it, the 1 person she relies on, she is so emotionally in tune. For the last few months I’ve had a shortness of breath along with sore ribs to touch and a sore right leg where the pain starts at knee and travels to the groin. Not been checked as the few times I called Dr I was told to call next day at a certain time, being 51 and a busy mum I always forgot or left it too late the following day so I’ve not been checked. Brain in overdrive thinking it’s all connected could it have spread ( told on Thursday the original tumour is in fact 2.5 cm bigger than what was originally noted) now my shoulder blades and neck are sore !! Can anyone tell me if they suffered physical pains that were stress related ? Sure these are all normal emotions and fear. 
thank you for reading x

  • Hi,

    I had a lumpectomy,  masectomy and lymph node removal two and a half weeks ago. Like you, I went in about one breast and found out I had an issue in my other breast too. I had additional biopsies which concluded the left breast had precancerous cells. I have just turned 53 and have a 13 year old and a 10 year old and like you worried about the next stage.  Every twinge, which in the past I would have put down to age, was the cancer had spread. I had a ct scan just before Christmas and to be told it wasn't in other parts of my body made me cry with relief. I think it natural to be worried but try to stay focused and busy and wait for the results. 

    I hope you find out soon what your next steps are and you are reassured. Take care of yourself and your lovely daughter x

  • Thank you for sharing that, you have certainly lifted my mood somewhat ! Very similar situation so I will draw on your experience.
    I hope everything has gone as well as expected, how do you feel 2.5 weeks on after all that surgery ? apart from the obvious ! I wish you well, enjoy every moment with your kids. X 

  • Hi  , sorry you find yourself here, and that you’re in that tortuous limbo land of waiting for results. In the build up to knowing what I was actually dealing with, I imagined so many different scenarios and yes every ache or pain must be a sign that it had spread. Just horrible. I had bad stomach aches and felt sure I now had stomach cancer, then thought logically about what I was eating - I’d had a lot of coconut products (long story) and as soon as I stopped them, so did the stomach ache. It’s so easy for your mind to go into overdrive and jump to all sorts of conclusions. Somehow you’ll get through to results day and know more about your particular situation. It’s good that the medics are being thorough and gathering all the necessary information to devise the best treatment plan for you. A very scary time though. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Surgery took 6 hours as I had a radical mastectomy which involved removing muscle. The lumpectomy side was sore for a couple of days but not much more than when I had my biopsies. That side was signed off on Friday and now only requires annual mammograms for 5 years. The right side is a long neat scar that goes from my chest bone to my arm pit. It varies from numbness to pins and needles which is normal. There is a feeling of tightening where the skin is knitting together. My armpit, where my lymph nodes were taken out, is narrower and there is a little numbness on the top of my arm. My follow up treatment is chemo and radiotherapy in the coming months.

    The operations were not as bad as I expected and are definitely manageable. The drains I had in were uncomfortable at times but once they were removed it became easier. I am doing my exercises and hopefully go from strength to strength. 

    Enjoy time with your daughter x

  • So helpful reading real life stories, it does actually make you think differently. People who haven’t experienced this give an opinion and sometimes it can feel a little dismissive, I realise now that they just don’t know, and often saying something that minimises thinking it’s positive.

    I’m so glad I put my thoughts to paper last night as it’s so much more helpful to receive a knowing and understanding answer.

    Whatever stage you are at, good luck, virtual hugs back to you xx 

  • Hi

    Thanks for your post, I found it very helpful as I will probably have a radical mastectomy, although won't know for sure until I have the results of my mri scan. 

    It's all so scary and am staying positive. 

    Goo luck with your ongoing treatment. 

  • Fab news about lumpectomy Blush 

    Glad you are through the surgical side, time to gain your strength before Chemo & Radiotherapy. Appreciate you sharing the overview of your surgery , so nice to have somewhere to share this. Pray 

    Willing you continued strength, for your surgical recovery and the treatment journey ahead of you.

    Taking in the moments now, funny how things just feel different when you slow down and take time to enjoy every moment. Nothing quite like watching a child laugh !

    Look after yourself xx 

  • Sending you all virtual hugs- you have got this x

  • Hi, reading your post it is no surprise you are confused and emotional. What a lot to process, bless you. 
    I have worked in mental health for 43 years and acutely aware of the very real stress related physical pains people endure. 
    It is quite possible that your pains are stress related. Try to do something that you enjoy that is calming. 
    Big hugs Hugging xx

    Alfie 24