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I am so incredibly lucky to only need radiotherapy after surgery to remove an invasive ductal cancer, but I been told I will need to take Letrozole for 10 years and I am concerned about the potential  side effects. This seems to be a blanket prescription but I wonder if this could be more based on my other health as an individual?  I am 9 years post menopausal and still suffer from terrible hot flashes, hair loss, brain fog, dry skin; I also have osteoarthritis and sleep apnea so struggle with sleep as I must use a CPAP machine. I lost my dad to blood cancer last year and know how many infections he had due to his low white blood cell count. I have COPD and borderline heart failure (just waiting to see Cardiologist) …so with all these things I already have I am worried about starting on Letrozole and wondered if anyone has any advice? Sorry to whinge, I don’t want to get repeated infections, loose more hair, have insomnia….i really do know I am in a better situation than most of you. I wonder if I need this as I have not had my hormone levels checked (wonder if after 9 years I have any left) Thanks

  • HiBrighter, i was on letrozel for 4 years, i read the leaflett and listenend to my oncologist about how it would help me. I did not have one symptom and was fine on it. Why dont you give it a go for a few months and if you dont get on with it ask your oncologist for something else, but i woul give it a go first they would not prescribe it for you if they did not think it would help. All the best Dawn x

  • Thanks Dawn….i’m worried my current menopausal symptoms will be made worse and  ias Letrozole can cause low white blood cells I don’t want to get more infections or need to be on antibiotics as I have heart and lung problems…if I was healthy or if the reduction in risk of cancer returning was higher then I don’t think I would be so concerned. Many thanks

  • Hi I’m in a similar situation with heart problems etc and on letrozole for ten years I have only been taking for 6 months so far and I’ve had no real problems that I can think of,  the occasional twinge and the odd sleepless night which to be fair I don’t put down to the med , nothing else .. hoping that continues , keeping active seems to keep the joint pains at bay I have heard . Just stay positive not everyone gets the side effects, there is  help there if you do experience some of the stated side effect , here’s hoping you don’t or their just miner.. wishing you well .. 

    • Thanks Stig….that is reassuring. Wishing you well. 
  • Hi Stig, after reading your words I feel a bit reassured... I also have some heart problems (ectopic beats) and I am to start taking Letrozole. When I read it might cause changes to your heart rhythm I was seriously concerned. I can only hope it won't happen. X

  • Hi - I’ve now been on Letrozole for 2 weeks now - other than occasional sore thumbs and wrists I’m doing ok - I’ve reported these to my oncologist and he said to keep an eye on it and they will review when I see them next month- it was mentioned that they could lower the dosage…

    The chemo made my resting bp very high and had interrupted sleep so now my bp is slowly returning to normal and I’m sleeping good so I’m happy Blush The only think which is annoying are my nails as they’re coming away from the skin which is a side effect from the Docetaxel.