So scared, can't find hope.

  • 4 replies
  • 483 subscribers

Hi everyone.

I've found out this week I have grade 2,  er+, breast cancer and I am terrified. I am 41 with a daughter who has only just turned 3. I am so scared of leaving her and her thinking I've abandoned her and me not being there when she needs me as she grows up. She's such a mummies girl its breaking my heart. I know survival rates are so good these days but all I keep hearing and seeing is things about 5 year survival rates and secondry breast cancer. I'm struggling to be positive. 

I'm sure the waiting isn't helping, my HER2 results aren't in yet so I've not got a treatment plan or any appointments set up.

I really need some tips to help with getting a positive mindset if anyone has any?

Thanks x

  • Hi Tori123,

    So sorry to hear you've found yourself in this situation! It's never easy dealing with the shock of being diagnosed with breast cancer! You are at the worst stage - everything sounds terrifying and you are googling like crazy to find something reassuring! I think most of us here on this forum have been through this. I know you'll find it hard to believe but things will get better once you know more about your cancer and your treatment plan is in place. Don't think about the worst case scenario since cancer treatment nowadays is so advanced that oncologists aim at not only treating but curing even more advanced breast cancers! Staying positive is one of the most difficult things to do in this situation but think about being and staying strong and positive for your precious little one! I’ve said many times here that we are stronger than we think we are. You will be fine, just try your hardest to stay positive, it really does help! Distract yourself with the things you enjoy doing both on your own and with your little girl! The very best of luck with your treatment! 

    Lana xx

  • Hi,

    I just wanted to try and give you some hope and positive feelings. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in December 2022 just before my little girl turned 3 and only a couple of months after my 40th birthday. I honestly felt the same as you in the beginning, but I got through it. It’s surprising what you can do when you need to. I tried my best to keep things as normal as possible for my daughter, which was hard at times. She got me up every day though and I’m sure it was her that helped me get through everything I’ve been through this last year. I’m hoping to be finally finished with treatment in April and I can’t wait to celebrate with her. I just want to wish you luck with all your treatment and if you need a chat then just say and I’ll be happy to help in anyway I can. 

    Take Care 

    Sarah xx

  • Thanks Sarah, so sorry to hear your story.

    I know I'm not the only one who is going through this with a young child/children, and unfortunately I won't be the last, but it feels so, so lonely and hard. I'm glad to hear you're nearly through it though, good luck with the next few months and enjoy celebrating xxx

  • Hi Lana, thanks so much for replying. I think I've read this 5 times today! We've planned a few activities to do when we have chance so I'm hoping the distraction will lift my mood. X