Hello siwmae

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  • 484 subscribers


I’m a bit new to this, as I imagine lots of people are. Got diagnosed on Thursday. Surgery booked for mid Feb.

MRI next week I hope.

i am looking for positivity. Tips for keeping chipper and looking upwards.

Personally I have decided not to think or talk about cancer between 4pm and 8pm so at least my brain gets a rest. But what is helping everyone else?

thank you/ diolch 

  • Shwmae.  Take it you in Wales.  What's your diagnosis & surgery.  If you click on my name you'll see I'm almost 9 years on. 

  • I think that’s a good idea, my hubby always chose early evening to talk about my diagnosis and I eventually told him, I’d been thinking cancer all day and I just needed to sit in front of nonsense on the tv. Own what you feel is right for you and good luck xx

  • Thank you Carol. All I know is I have 9mm of cancer in my boob and an MRI soon to check it hasn’t got any friends in there.

    my mammograms we’re all clear, no lump, this was spotted on an ultrasound after things felt odd in my boob.

    Treatment plan is scan, chop and zap with radiotherapy.

    I am doing my level best to keep positive especially as I have two teen/ slightly pre-teen children.And there’s plenty of reasons to be positive, but it’s all the unknown that’s a bit troubling.

    Tthanks for reaching out xx

  • It Takes a few weeks  to take in after being diagnosed, it does get easier when you know your treatment plan.  I found walking helped a great deal and it kept my strength up. Also I did jig saws on my ipad and downloaded a calm app. Take every day as it comes honestly it does get easier.