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Struggling to keep upbeat with ongoing chemo for metastatic breast cancer.   Thought I would try this. 

  • Hi, Biggsy, sorry to hear you are  struggling. I am also on treatment for metastatic breast cancer and have been on this road now for 4 years and i would love to get off it like everyone else. Like others on here we all suffer from time to time and feel we just cant cope. I wish there was an easy answer but there just is not one. When i feel like you are now i try to conect with friends and family. I go out for meals, theater, cinema. I just want to escape it all sometimes and if i am with others it takes it off my mind for a while. I also joined my local cancer group this is were i can communicate with others in a simular situation to me., as sometimes we dont want to burden our family and friends. I am a crafter so i joined a crafting group i have not told them about my health issues so it a place its never mentioned which is quite refreashing. I understand its difficult to be upbeat with all the bloods, chemo, MRI, CT and i have a lot of bad days but i think we all do. I wish you all the best with your treatment but if you do feel its just to much contact your GP and there might be somewhere or someone you can talk to.

  • Thank you Wino I should have done this ages ago, you and others get it of course and that is a comfort in itself.  I totally agree that getting out and about with friends helps.  I have dark times at home some evenings and that's when I'll use this forum.