Newly diagnosed & frightened

  • 17 replies
  • 488 subscribers

Hi there I was just diagnosed on Friday, in complete shock hopefully it’s been caught v early - Having MRI, then surgery then radiotherapy just need someone to talk to x 

  • Hi there

     It is a shock isn't it?

    I was diagnosed in May last year and am still in shock!!

     Once you get your treatment plan you should feel more in control.

    Try to take one day at a time (I have to remind myself of that).

     Sending you hugs x

  • Thank you I’ve never even been in hospital before apart from having my 2 kids I am so frightened of the mri and the thought of surgery is sending me into total panic -

    my head is spinning x 

  • The MRI doesn't usually take that long.

     Was this caught via mammogram? X

  • Hi, sounds like it's been caught early if chemo isn't in your plan, that's good.   The MRI is painless, though the machine is noisy but it helps them narrow done the location of the cancer and get a better view of it.   My top tip for the MRI is to wear leggings, as anything with metal needs to be removed (eg zips on jeans) but at least with leggings you can retain a little dignity.  Best wishes

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  • Yes I felt a lump this turned out to be a cyst the nasty stuff was behind it so a blessing in disguise really- had mammogram, ultrasound & biopsy x

  • Thank you so much - do you have to drink a dye or anything? X

  • no dye drinking, but they will do an injection to find sentinel lymph node if need be

  • That's really good it's been found early.

  • Hello PookaPup

    Sorry you are joining us on this journey, naturally you are in shock and have a million questions going around your head.  I am a year on, having had surgery in February, followed by chemo, radiotherapy, targeted drugs and hormone suppressor tablets.

    My advice would be to take a deep breath, be aware that it is a long road and a lot to learn, no question is a stupid question, make lots of notes as you will forget stuff, don't be too rigid in your expectations as you are at the early stages and treatment plans can change as more results come in (for example after surgery when they do tests on the tumour they remove), this is normal and can feel very unsettling but will ensure you get the right treatment in the end.

    There is lots of support available and make full use of it all, we all need all the help possible.  In the meantime well done for reaching out, we are here anytime xx


  • Thank you so much that’s just made me cry but with relief I know I’m not alone x