Just diagnosed

  • 4 replies
  • 484 subscribers

Hi everybody.

Just been diagnosed with grade 2 idc cancer.

Chosen to have a mastectomy as the lump is 3cm and very close to my nipple. I'm 61 years old and don't feel the need for a reconstruction but I'm terrified of chemo which has been mentioned.

Operation booked for 7th February.

Would just appreciate anybody telling me what happens if you have been there. Thanks Blush

  • Hi Clareabelle, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I was triple positive and too had IDC plus lymph node involvement. I had surgery first, then chemo, radiotherapy, targeted treatment and hormone tablets. I can’t help with mastectomy as I had a lumpectomy. After the op they will gather all the information and sometimes it can change your original plan they have devised. I was terrified of chemo too. Didn’t know what to expect. The nurses are fantastic and will be with you and explain everything to you. You’ll sign a consent form with your oncologist. I cold capped throughout all 8 cycles of chemo. Unfortunately I did loose most of my hair but I had EC which is harsh for the hair. Not everyone looses their hair some a very lucky. It did start to grow back when I was on docetaxel. Whilst chemo isn’t great and you can have side effects like nausea, funny taste in mouth, feeling tired etc there are meds they will give you to help. Chemo is doable and always listen to your body. Rest if you feel tired and drink plenty of water. I’ll be having my last targeted treatment at the end of this month and then I’ll be on hormone tablets for another 4.5 years. If you click on my name you can read my journey.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thank you for your reply. Guess I'll have to get on with it if that's what it takes. Just a bit of a wuss See no evil

  • Hi Clarebelle,

    I’m 62 and have just had a second mastectomy, I had the first in 2022 due to bc, this latest one is to reduce the risk of cancer coming back as I have the BRCA 1 gene. I decided not to have a reconstruction and until now have been using a prosthesis, which has been fine for me. I’m due to get the second prosthesis in February.

    I have had chemo twice and though the thought of it is awful, once I started, I felt that I got into the routine of it. The staff at the hospital are great at predicting possible side effects, and proving medication in advance, so you have it ready if you need it.

    I wasn’t sick at all, but did have some other issues, like a sore mouth and reflux, but both were managed really well.

    I also lost my hair both times, but I was given money towards a wig, which people are surprised about when I tell them it’s not my real hair.

    There were good and not so good days, but the bc nurses are great and the support on here is brilliant too, so always ask if you are not sure, somebody has usually had the same questions, the same worries, or the same symptoms and will try to help.

    I wish you all the very best on the journey you are on, there are many of us on it with you, so you are not alone x

  • Thank you so much. It's the not knowing that is driving me crazy.