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On Tuesday I went to the breast clinic following a GP referral. Nothing palpated by either GP or Breast Clinic Doctor. Nothing abnormal found. Mammography detected abnormality. More difficult to see on ultrasound according to Radiologist, but he did measurements (8mm) biopsy and inserted a marker clip. Results expected early next week. I am overwhelmed! I now find myself reading everything I can on the internet and am quite frankly afraid of what's to come. I keep going over the conversations that took place and am overthinking every clue I can remember. I recall the radiologist saying it was very small and he was surprised I found it, but later when I repeated this to the radiographer she showed me the mammogram and said that "it wasn't that small." Now I'm thinking is it possible I didn't hear the 8mm measurement correctly. To be honest I'm expecting the worse but hoping for the best. I'm not sure I can cope with the treatment. I have crippling hospital anxiety which means it all just feels beyond me.

  • What you feel is perfectly normal. This is all so much to take in and we often think the very worst.

    Give your BC nurse a ring (if you have one yet) and ask them to go over things with you again. 8mm is small, anything less than 2cm is, I believe.

    It is a really worrisome time, and the wait for results is so very difficult. I hope you get some clarity soon and if you can take someone with you to next appointment, or a little note book can also be useful. Draw comfort on whatever the size, breast cancer is highly treatable and recovery excellent. I know it’s temping to Google, but there is a lot of outdated stuff out there. Stick to the McMillan and NHS web site if you can..they are accurate. Wishing you all the best for your results. Sending love and hugs x