• 4 replies
  • 485 subscribers

Hi all, new to all this.

I was told I have high grade DCIS in my right breast,  measuring 6cm. I'm having some lymph nodes out on Friday to see if there's anything invasive. I will also need to have a total masectomy. I'm not reactive to hormones. I've read these threads and a lot of you have had chemo or radiotherapy. My consultant hasn't mentioned these to me, will I need these treatments too? 


  • Hi there

    i too was diagnosed with high grade DCIS in right breast following biopsy. They couldn’t get an exact measurement but estimated 5cms. Lymph nodes looked clear on ultra sound.

    Because of the size I needed a mastectomy. They removed sentinel lymph nodes at the same time as the mastectomy- luckily they were clear. DCIS was actually bigger at 7.5cms and there was some micro invasions - largest being 3.5mm. I’m not hormone reactive either. I had 5 day radiotherapy but no chemo. The radiotherapy was to sweep up any possible cancer cells left behind - belt and braces approach. I don’t really understand how treatment plans are decided. As you say it seems some people get chemo, some radiotherapy, some both and some none. I’m surprised they are not removing the lymph nodes for biopsy at the same time as the mastectomy. 

  • Theyre not doing them at the same time as I'm having an immediate reconstruction. So they're taking the sentinel (?) Ones, biopsying them, then doing the masectomy and reconstruction another time, incase they have to remove more lymph nodes.

  • Ok I understand. I didn’t go for immediate reconstruction as I needed radiotherapy and was advised against it due to the risk of capsular contracture. 

  • Hi Andypandy78

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with DCIS.  DCIS is considered Stage 0 usually which is probably why you are not being given chemo but that might change once you have your operations depending on post-op results

    Wishing you the best of luck with your operations.

    Best wishes


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